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  1. S

    DS-2CD2387G2-LU Poor Image quality - Ghosting, Blurry

    I love that the one thing I don't obscure is the street sign.... Well played. But yes, probably the smog. Yeh I played about with the settings a bit more methodically, including turning noise reduction back on (think I seen mention somewhere else of turning it off). Image is a lot better now...
  2. S

    DS-2CD2387G2-LU Poor Image quality - Ghosting, Blurry

    I've recently installed a DS-2CD2387G2-LU however I'm having real trouble with the image settings. I've tried all sorts of combinations, however whatever I set it to I'm getting really bad ghosting and distorted frames, to a point where the camera is of currently no use other than knowing when...