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  1. C

    Firmware NVR and Camera Firmware confusion - latest firmware?

    Thanks for the info, yeah I forgot about the C & E versions. They dont make it easy to follow. I'll get my cameras updated. Cheers again for the help
  2. C

    Firmware NVR and Camera Firmware confusion - latest firmware?

    Hi all, Just having a bit of firmware confusion. Logged onto my NVR today for the first time in a while and it reported I needed to do an update, let it do the update and then checked firmware. I would assume it updated to the latest, but looking online there's much newer firmware. Should I...
  3. C

    Green portion on Hik-Connect & Main Stream not showing on NVR view

    No I manually downloaded and updated it, the online check doesn't seem to work for me either.
  4. C

    Green portion on Hik-Connect & Main Stream not showing on NVR view

    Thanks for the post, I've checked my NVR firmware for an available update and my DS-7608NXI-I2/8P NVR is now updated to V4.61.067 build 220928 I've turned on the encryption and no green screen there now, will monitor in daylight too. Cheers!
  5. C

    Unusual Line Cross Triggers? (only at night)

    Thanks @Dan. Your are correct I hadn't changed the Min and Max, I've set them now and will monitor.
  6. C

    Unusual Line Cross Triggers? (only at night)

    I have a DS-2CD2386G2 camera connected to my DS-7608NXI-I2/8P and have a single smart event line cross setup, nothing else setup on this camera. During the daytime, the event triggers correctly for cars and people crossing the line. No false triggers. But during the night I get lots of false...
  7. C

    Should the "Enable AI by Device" option be on or off?

    Hi, I have DS-2CD2386G2 cameras connected to my DS-7608NXI-I2/8P NVR and just playing around getting the best from the smart events for my situation. Is the "Enable AI by Device" better on or off for smart events? Are there any positives or negatives to having it on or off?
  8. C

    Green portion on Hik-Connect & Main Stream not showing on NVR view

    Thanks for that, I've left the firmware the same and turned off the encryption and it has seemingly solved the problem for now on both the app and the NVR view. Not impressed that security is compromised though so I hope Hikvision take a look at resolving this so we can turn it back on.
  9. C

    Green portion on Hik-Connect & Main Stream not showing on NVR view

    Hi, I have 3 DS-2CD2386G2 cameras connected to my DS-7608NXI-I2/8P NVR and when viewing the stream via the NVR web access, it only seems possible to view the sub stream, not the main stream. If I drop the quality of the main stream from 3840*2160 to 3200*1800 then it shows it fine. Also when...
  10. C

    Basic & Smart Events not showing Camera preview

    @Kyle Yes it has a (C) on the box And yep, schoolboy error, I didn't extract it, would have expected a more meaningful error though. Not to worry, upgrade underway now.
  11. C

    Basic & Smart Events not showing Camera preview

    @Kyle Just tried to update the NVR firmware and it won't accept it. Progress bar doesn't move and I get an error "Failed to get the upgrade status." when I try. I've downloaded it again from the product page and that is the same. Maybe a duff build?
  12. C

    Basic & Smart Events not showing Camera preview

    @Kyle superb, links all working now, will give the firmware an update later on and see if I need to install the plugin after. Thanks for the assistance
  13. C

    Basic & Smart Events not showing Camera preview

    @Kyle thanks for that, I uninstalled the "LocalServiceComponents" and before re-installing I logged into the NVR and I could then see the preview perfectly to setup the events. I'll reinstall and see what that gives. Bit flaky if I have to keep doing that though. I'll update the firmware too in...
  14. C

    Basic & Smart Events not showing Camera preview

    Basic & Smart Events not showing Camera preview I have 2 DS-2CD2386G2 connected to my DS-7608NXI-I2/8P NVR when I log on through the laptop browser to my NVR and go to Basic or Smart Events the camera preview for one of the cameras does not show but the other shows almost as soon as I select...
  15. C

    PoE switch from a PoE port on my Hikvision NVR?

    Hi @Dan Thanks for the link, been googling for ages looking for something. That works a treat, just setup and tested locally in seconds. Thanks again!
  16. C

    PoE switch from a PoE port on my Hikvision NVR?

    I have a Hikvision DS-7608NXI-I2 / 8P and de to the length of cable run from where the cameras are located to where the NVR is I want to run a single cable from the NVR to a PoE switch and then have 2 or 3 cameras attached to the PoE switch. Can I use one of the existing PoE ports on the NVR to...