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  1. M

    How to setup Facial IP cam to work standalone?

    Hi Kyle, Thanks for the help but I am still stuck. I have attached a screenshot of the error that I am receiving. As I understand it there is no resources on the camera to determine between human or not, and on the basic event motion there is also no tick box for human detection. Please help as...
  2. M

    How to setup Facial IP cam to work standalone?

    My NVR model number is DS-7716NXI-I4/S I have this one facial camera connected to it and 7 x DS-2CD2622FWD-I that protects the perimeter.
  3. M

    How to setup Facial IP cam to work standalone?

    Hi Kyle, thanks for the reply. So my camera is running the following firmware: V5.7.3 build 220216
  4. M

    How to setup Facial IP cam to work standalone?

    Hello everyone, I've been struggling with a camera setup issue and I'm hoping to get some assistance. I recently purchased a DS-2CD2147G2-SU camera with the intention of using its facial comparison feature in my shop. The idea was to identify individuals, especially potential shoplifters, and...