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  1. I

    Remote access to video streams

    I am planning an application that would possibly require direct access to the video stream via an embedded browser in our existing HMI application. Does anyone know if it is possible to bypass the security settings in an IP camera so that the browser will display the video stream directly (in...
  2. I

    Embedded use of IP Camera

    Thanks Phil, that gives me the confidence to go ahead along the lines I had hoped. I need to get some guidance on the quality/price of cameras that are expected and then I can source some and put together a trial for evaluation. As for replay of the recorded video, that probably won't want...
  3. I

    Embedded use of IP Camera

    My company manufacture simulation equipment for training of personell in emergency scenarios and we would like to use a number of IP cameras (up to 5?) in one of our trainers to monitor record training activity. Our equipment is computer controlled from our own instructor station and we would...