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  1. Phil

    Breaking News - Hanwha Vision will now only sell via security installers!

    Hanwha Vision have dropped a bomb shell on us last week! You will no longer be allowed to buy the Hanwha Vision product range from us, nor from any other online reseller, nor even across a Trade counter from a reseller. From now on, nobody will be allowed to resell Hanwha Vision products, the...
  2. Tara Brown

    Wisenet mobile app setup

    The Wisenet mobile app can be downloaded on both iOS and Android devices and you can find more information on the application on our website. This guide is based on the process followed on an iPhone but I would assume the process would be similar on an Android device. Once installed on your...
  3. Tara Brown

    The journey from Samsung to Wisenet

    The household name that is Samsung is no longer associated with IP Camera solutions. It all started when Hanwha Group acquired a 32.4% stake in Samsung Techwin in 2014, which allowed for joint management of the company. In 2015 the acquisition was completed and Samsung Techwin was re-launched...