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  1. Phil

    Linking a Hikvision NVR to a UPS to achieve a graceful shutdown after mains power loss

    It has long been standard practice for devices such as Synology's range of NAS boxes that you could link them to the UPS providing power to them, with a USB cable for instance, so that the NAS would know if/when there is a power failure AND at a pre-configured level of battery discharge the NAS...
  2. J


    Hi All I've just received my Hikvision DS-7604NI-K1-4P NVR, not setup yet, but seen Hikvision "highly recommend" using a UPS. It's not something i'd heard of before, so started searching online, however there appears to be quite a variety, some of which are quite expensive. I've read that you...
  3. Phil

    Using a UPS with Hikvision NVRs

    Hikvision do recommend using an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) with their NVRs if you wish to protect/maintain the power supply. If you are using POE from the NVR to power your IP cameras, then the UPS will in fact keep your whole IP CCTV system running during a power outage. However...