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A HD-SDI question for an 'old hand'


New Member
I appreciate that this is a forum for IP-based systems but it's perhaps where the experts who used to install HD-SDI are now gathered. If this post is in the wrong place completely I'd be grateful if someone could direct me to a more relevant forum.

I lease a building that has a good Concept Pro system (AIR4526HD cameras) and have just had a break-in where the clever urchins took my DVR as well. I don't know what to get as a replacement. I can't remember what I had before but I've seen for sale a few Concept Pro VXH264 DVRs and can't find out whether I can use an H264 DVR to record video from my HD-SDI cameras.

Can anyone tell me if I can use the Concept Pro VXH264 DVR or recommend another solution - as you'll appreciate, buying another compatible DVR is rather easier than replacing the whole system with a change of cameras, cables etc. And if you have anything for sale all the better - I'm in the UK by the way.

Thanks in anticipation, Andy R
Sorry Andy, it's not something that we at use-IP would know.
We never sold analogue / HD-SDI.
Maybe check Google and see if you can find a seller of Concept Pro, then ask them.