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Adding a weather widget to camera images?


Active Member
Hello, good morning.

I would like to ask you if Hikvision cameras can be fitted with a widget, such as a URL with weather data that is updated every minute.

As far as I have been able to investigate inside the camera, I don't think it can be done, but well, I don't trust my judgement too much so I'm asking here. Or if it is also possible to incorporate this widget through some third party software.

For example, incorporating the vulture at the bottom right of the camera and displaying the updated data, and at the same time recording all this data in the NVR.

Specifically, it would be this script or the website:

<script type="text/javascript">document.write("<iframe style=\"width:200px;height:166px;border:0;\" scrolling=\"no\" src=\"https://www.avamet.org/widgets/widget-l.php?codi=c24m104e03&size=107&idioma=va\"></iframe>")</script>

Thank you very much!
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You may be able to build your own web page to achieve that.

We do similar using the Camstreamer camera add-on for Axis cameras as can be seen at our demo YouTube live stream here:
(Camstreamer do not offer a solution for use with Hikvision, but A N Other may)

Good afternoon, thank you for your reply.

I don't do live streaming, I just keep the recordings from the weather camera for 30 days on a Synology, with the cameras linked to the Surveillance Station via ONVIF protocol. In that case, I'm afraid I won't be able to implement the widget. :(