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Anyone found a way to automate DST in a time server?

Jan J

Trusted Member
I have 12 identical cameras motion detecting pictures to a Synology DS-718+ NAS....
I'm Presently Using NTP service within Synology NAS for time source for the 12 security cameras... NTP in NAS does an offset from GMT only... So at present, NTP is done at NAS Level, and DST is done at each individual camera... I have to once a year go into each camera and edit start and end date for DST, for the upcoming year... Today was that day.... YAWN!!!

Seeing that others have to do this too... and Synology NAS will run a timed script file, I was wondering if anyone had experimented with a Script file that would Automatically Update DST time within Synology NAS NTP.... and I could then turn off DST in each camera...
This would prevent the need to log into each camera and reset DST Start & End times each year... NTP And DST would then be done from one device, not 12 (or as many cameras as you have!)...

Yes, I'm lazy... And I bet others are too! I'd be willing to bet that there might be a solution for this already, and I've just not stumbled across it.....

If anyone has done this, or, could provide suggestions on How-To, I'm willing to test it!

Thanks for any suggestions!

Prior to using NAS's NTP, I had a Raspberry Pi as a time server... That, too, did not do DST automatically, either!
In my NVRs/cameras the DST is set as (for example) "First Sunday in a specific month" or "Last Sunday in a specific month" so they just need to be set once and then forget about it. Do your cameras offer a different DST interface? Or in your country do the start/end times for DST change each year?

I have noticed that if you have an NVR then DST can be configured on the NVR only and you don't have to worry about DST settings on the camera. On my cameras I just set NTP (not sure if I even need to do that but I do just in case) and on the NVR I set NTP and DST.

But if you wanted to write a script to change settings you could probably use the ISAPI interface, see a recent post about it here:
Help with ISAPI / API
So that's the DST setting in this camera... I have not found a way of not adding the day number... That means I have to edit each year, right, or am I missing something basic?
Yes, I think you have misunderstood the setting (which is to be expected given that Hikvision interface and documentation is utterly terrible!)

The last dropdown menus for Start Time and End Time is the hour of the day the setting takes effect.

So, given your start time setting you have said change the time on the Second Sunday of March at 2PM.
And your end time setting you have said change the time on the First Sunday of November at 7AM.

So say for me in the UK I would set to Last Sunday in March at 1AM and Last Sunday in October at 2AM. So check the DST settings and hours for your country.
I mistook that column for a day date, not an hour.... but since posting, I found it out by testing.... so yes, I have fixed it.....