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AX Pro - Weird Panel Error



At some point yesterday my AX Pro threw up an error on the panel but I can't work out what is causing it. It doesn't clear with a restart, and all it says when it reboots is that there's a panel error. In the panel fault check settings I have Battery Lost, Low Battery, Wifi Lost and Panel Mains Power Lost enabled. Ethernet Lost and Cellular Lost are not enabled as neither are in use and haven't been since I installed it.

I tried turning off all the checks last night, which cleared the fault, and turned them back on individually, with no errors. At some point since I did that this morning the error has come back on again. There's nothing in the notifications either to give me an idea what it is as the last notification was the alarm turning itself off this morning.

I did notice last night that there was an error for 'SIM Card removed' in the notifications but a) it's never had one in and b) as above, cellular fault checking is turned off for that reason. There's been a few errors about that and cellular lost, but again, it's never been used and has never thrown up an error before.

Am I missing something to check to tell me explicitly what the issue is? Has something broken in the panel so it's now throwing an error when it hasn't before? Any ideas, anyone?

At some point yesterday my AX Pro threw up an error on the panel but I can't work out what is causing it. It doesn't clear with a restart, and all it says when it reboots is that there's a panel error. In the panel fault check settings I have Battery Lost, Low Battery, Wifi Lost and Panel Mains Power Lost enabled. Ethernet Lost and Cellular Lost are not enabled as neither are in use and haven't been since I installed it.

I tried turning off all the checks last night, which cleared the fault, and turned them back on individually, with no errors. At some point since I did that this morning the error has come back on again. There's nothing in the notifications either to give me an idea what it is as the last notification was the alarm turning itself off this morning.

I did notice last night that there was an error for 'SIM Card removed' in the notifications but a) it's never had one in and b) as above, cellular fault checking is turned off for that reason. There's been a few errors about that and cellular lost, but again, it's never been used and has never thrown up an error before.

Am I missing something to check to tell me explicitly what the issue is? Has something broken in the panel so it's now throwing an error when it hasn't before? Any id

At some point yesterday my AX Pro threw up an error on the panel but I can't work out what is causing it. It doesn't clear with a restart, and all it says when it reboots is that there's a panel error. In the panel fault check settings I have Battery Lost, Low Battery, Wifi Lost and Panel Mains Power Lost enabled. Ethernet Lost and Cellular Lost are not enabled as neither are in use and haven't been since I installed it.

I tried turning off all the checks last night, which cleared the fault, and turned them back on individually, with no errors. At some point since I did that this morning the error has come back on again. There's nothing in the notifications either to give me an idea what it is as the last notification was the alarm turning itself off this morning.

I did notice last night that there was an error for 'SIM Card removed' in the notifications but a) it's never had one in and b) as above, cellular fault checking is turned off for that reason. There's been a few errors about that and cellular lost, but again, it's never been used and has never thrown up an error before.

Am I missing something to check to tell me explicitly what the issue is? Has something broken in the panel so it's now throwing an error when it hasn't before? Any ideas, anyone?
Hi Ste j I'm having the same issue with mine since I updated the firmware earlier this week. I assume it will be resolved with the next update.
This wouldn't be the disaster that is V1.3.0 update... Absolute car crash of an update.
I have x2 ax pro's in separate environments and both are slower in reactive time, especially through hikconnect...
Lots of errors, sim car error...
I went to disarm via the none lcd panel and it was so slow responding from the hub it actually took over 6 seconds to register the input.
One of my units actually failed first update attempt.
Websites still hasn't been updated with the firmware.
Going by just the SIM Card alert, I'm assuming the v1.3.0 update has been installed.

See my reply here:
You're all correct, it's on v1.3.0.

I can relax now and wait for them to fix it. Sounds like I got away lucky compared to others as everything is working as it should, it was just annoying me that it was a) there and b) I couldn't work out why.

Thank you!
I have experienced the pain of v1.3.0 and after a lot of testing over the last few days, the way to get rid of that Panel Fault LED because no SIM installed, is to go to User Management > Administrator > Notification Settings > Push Notifications > Fault > Panel Status (Communications) and disable that setting. You can use the other Fault check settings to let you know if you have lost Wi-Fi or Ethernet.
I have experienced the pain of v1.3.0 and after a lot of testing over the last few days, the way to get rid of that Panel Fault LED because no SIM installed, is to go to User Management > Administrator > Notification Settings > Push Notifications > Fault > Panel Status (Communications) and disable that setting. You can use the other Fault check settings to let you know if you have lost Wi-Fi or Ethernet.

It's not sending a push notification to say there's a fault with the SIM, it's purely the fault light on the panel that I'm getting.
It's not sending a push notification to say there's a fault with the SIM, it's purely the fault light on the panel that I'm getting.
My AX-Pro panel has no SIM installed or Ethernet (those connections are disabled), until I disabled the notification for communications in my admin profile, I would get the Notification of No SIM installed after a reboot. What I have now noticed after all the testing is that although I no longer get the notification there is No Sim installed, I still get the Orange Fault LED after a reboot, it axels a few minutes after the panel has booted before it comes on. I thought it was caused when at least one of the settings in Panel Fault Check is enabled so I disabled all those settings (Battery Lost, Low Battery,Ethernet Lost, Wi-Fi Lost, Cellular Lost, Panel Mains Power Lost) but after a reboot the LED came on a few minutes after it had rebooted. However, after being armed last night then disarmed this morning that LED has not come on even after several hours. So it looks like another issue introduced by v1.3.0. These are the other issues I have noticed since that update.
1. The Chime sound from the internal sounder was like a traditional door bell if the magnetic contact zone that had chime enabled was opened, now it's like a "screeching" noise.
2. If Panel Sounds is enabled then after a "Stay" arm then disarm cycle, the panel voice announces cancellation of the Stay Arm Disable for each of the PIRs that were "Stay Arm Disabled".
3. The simple Armed text notifications in HiK Connect when the system is armed or disarmed have now been replaced with longer text as an example when armed in at Home or Stay mode it would read Stay Armed now it read "the All Areas has been stay armed by xxxxx". How stupid is that?

In summary as someone else here wrote it's a complete "car crash" of an update, I expect better from HiK Vision.
It sounds like I've got lucky as the only issue I've seen or noticed is the orange fault light, relating presumably to the SIM 'error'. It's not an error, v1.3.0 is just ignoring the setting that is set to ignore Ethernet and SIM faults.