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Basic & Smart Events not showing Camera preview


Basic & Smart Events not showing Camera preview

I have 2 DS-2CD2386G2 connected to my DS-7608NXI-I2/8P NVR when I log on through the laptop browser to my NVR and go to Basic or Smart Events the camera preview for one of the cameras does not show but the other shows almost as soon as I select that camera.

I'm on Chrome, tried on Edge and had the same issue. I tried on a different laptop and got the same issue. I took my smart phone (on the local network) and logged onto the NVR through the chrome browser and the preview worked fine for both cameras.

If I log onto the camera direct and go to the Event settings there the preview shows instantly.

Going to do a reset on the camera next but was wondering if anyone had seen this before and knew of an easier fix before I go down that route?

NVR Firmware Version V4.60.105 build 220118
Camera Firmware Version V5.7.3 build 220112

Try updating the NVR to this version - V4.61.000_build220507
The camera to this - V5.7.3_220216

If you have any "LocalServiceComponents" or "WebComponents" app files on your PC, delete them, and install the plugin again from here, as this has proved to be a fix for similar issues recently:
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@Kyle thanks for that, I uninstalled the "LocalServiceComponents" and before re-installing I logged into the NVR and I could then see the preview perfectly to setup the events. I'll reinstall and see what that gives. Bit flaky if I have to keep doing that though.

I'll update the firmware too in a while, although your link for camera firmware doesn't work for me?
My apologies, that link should be working again for the camera firmware.

You may not need the plugin at all then with that NVR firmware, it varies with each device - regardless, you should only need to reinstall it once.
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@Kyle superb, links all working now, will give the firmware an update later on and see if I need to install the plugin after. Thanks for the assistance
@Kyle Just tried to update the NVR firmware and it won't accept it. Progress bar doesn't move and I get an error "Failed to get the upgrade status." when I try. I've downloaded it again from the product page and that is the same. Maybe a duff build?
If you look at the white label on your NVR or the box it came in, is there a (C) on it?
I'm assuming that it does, as it already has the (C) version firmware installed on it.

I've tried upgrading our DS-7608NXI-I2/8P(C) to the same version in Chrome and it has worked.

Are you extracting the digicap.dav file from the zipped folder before uploading it to the NVR?
(Make sure that you're not renaming the file either.)
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@Kyle Yes it has a (C) on the box

And yep, schoolboy error, I didn't extract it, would have expected a more meaningful error though. Not to worry, upgrade underway now.