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Cameras still not working


Good evening everyone, I have posted a few posts on this matter now and ive still got no positive outcomes with all the nice suggestions made.
Does anyone think there may be an issue with the power to the cameras as there is no red ring around any of the cameras now. The small green led on the back of the plug is very bright when all the cameras are unplugged however, when plugged in the light fades, then goes bright and repeats the process. Ive had tried other power supplys to the camera outlets and it doesnt change anything.
When setting these cameras up do i choose the IP option or the HD option? Either do not work so im just clutching at straws really. I am hoping in a weird way that someone will say the system is buggared and start again but its not that old and the only thing that has changed the system is when the internet went down.
Any new suggestons would be gratefully appreciated.
Thanks everyone for your previous suggestions.

Hi @scragg63

If the red IR LEDs around the lens are not coming on and you are not seeing anything different when trying different PSUs then it sounds like the camera has a fault and will need to be replaced.
I noticed and remembered that the cable that leads to the camera has a micro switch and I'm pretty sure this was part of the installation process and that had to be pressed.. does anyone think this is 1 of the issues. Only thing is all 4 cameras do not have the IR lights on. Seems strange they've all packed up?
Any advice would be appreciated as ever.
Do you have one of these cameras to hand?
When you power it up do the IR LEDs light up and then go off?
Some old IP cameras did use to have reset buttons on the pigtail lead so this might be what the switch on your lead is, maybe try the hard reset process with this switch.

1) Disconnect the camera from the PSU
2) Press and hold the switch
3) Continue to hold the switch whilst reconnecting the cameras to the PSU
4) Continue to hold the switch for a further 30 seconds after the power is connected

If you don't get any activity from the camera after this process then I can only think there is a fault with the camera.
Many thanks. I'll give that a try. I'm still baffled as to why all 4 cameras have done the same. I'll try and see if there is any change,.
Thanks again your assistance is very much appreciated.