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Capturing photos at regular intervals from recorded footage via iVMS-4200


New Member
Hello all,

I have some cameras set up at a construction site, which are recording to a DS-7716NI-I4 NVR. I would like to turn the recorded footage for some of the cameras into a time lapse video to show the progress over time. I am wondering if there's an efficient way to extract photos of the recorded footage at regular intervals either via the iVMS-4200 client or through the NVR's web interface directly. Manually scrolling through the recorded footage and capturing photos is quite time consuming, so I'm hoping there is a better way! Any help is much appreciated.
Hi @guaranexx,

To my knowledge, it is not possible to set images to be captured automatically.

If you extract the footage, and then play it in Hikvision's VSPlayer, you should have to option to set up "Continuous Capture." This allows you to set the intervals between automatic image captures from the footage. It is all explained in section 2.2.2 (page 7) of the attached manual.

This Pro-Lapse article also seems to suggest that you can do it in VLC player, which is one of the few players that can play Hikvision's MP4 files without needing to convert the file type.

