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CCTV Camera which can Record on DVR as well on Remote Locatiation


Active Member
hi guys, I need your help, I want to purchase a Security Camera set with DVR, which can Record on DVR and on REMOTE LOCATION (it can be PC or any thing in Remote Location on that it has to do Recording).

So can any body advice me, which Brand & which Model# Camera System I have to purchase.

Thanks for your replies

Most IP cameras require roughly 3-8 Mbps each to transmit the video feed. On a local network that's fine as the majority of networks nowadays have 100Mbps or Gigabit throughput.

If you need to upload and record the video to a remote location via the internet you might run into issues however as typically upload speeds are much lower than download speeds - <10MB is very common for example, which could only support two-three cameras leaving little for anything else.

Do you definitely need to record to the remote location?