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Could use help: Can't access NVR after after monitor dimension change?


Thanks for reading. I've spent about 2.5 days on this project so far and I'm at my wits end. Hoping someone may be able to point me in the right direction. Here's my situation:

-I've been using my HIK NVR set-up for about 4 years with minimal issues. I have an iPhone with both HIK-Connect and IVMS-4500 and I could see the programs using either program.

-I have a Mac that has ivms-4200. I don't use that often but I could see the cameras and life was good.

-I have a small monitor set up it a closet to the NVR where I would go to make changes and such. Rarely had to do it after I got it set up and going.

-I'm in a rural area using Verizon wireless into the house feeding through a network switch. NVR was plugged into Network. Unfortunately, my provider needed to replace both the router and SIM card a few days ago. Here's where things became crazy.

-A bunch of things in the house were thrown off by this change and I've resolved most except this NVR. The cameras would not show up on the Mac or the iPhone. Ok, I'll go the closet and open the monitor and make some changes.

-I could not figure out what IP setting needed to be changed and I could not see all of the menu settings due to the aspect ratio. Wifey was trying to help me and she changed the dimensions on the video in hopes it would reduce the screen. I then couldn't see anything. Steps I've tried include:

-Re-booted a few times. Off/on the cameras themselves would pop back up but I could not see the mouse any longer or access any menus.

-unplugged and connected the NVR directly to our 4k tv. Based on what I read online, I thought life would be grand. This view as identical. I could see the main screen but never saw my mouse and could not see any menu.

-Tried to plug the NVR directly to my computer and type in the IP address. Nothing happened. Timed out with error.

-I then downloaded SADP tool and played around with connecting in that way. My NVR showed up as one of the items but nothing I did here permitted any graphical interface to the system. When I saw my system, everything seemed to say active except I believe Ipv4 status (or something like that). I'm not sure if there is something with subnet I'm doing wrong. My ip address matched the NVR and it all looked correct. When I clicked on the IP, it opened by browser and just crashed.

I tried to make sure my port was open on my new router. This new router from the provider really stinks. I "think" the port is open but maybe I did something wrong.

-It kept refusing my admin password although I have this written down and never had an issue.

-Worked on this for hours and decided to just put it back in the closet so at least I could possibly see the cameras. After re-connecting everything, the unit wouldn't stop constantly beeping (and I couldn't see any cameras) so I just unplugged everything and gave up.

I've been so frustrated by dealing with this system that I've considered going all wireless cameras. Seems silly as I have good cameras mounted but man this has been so frustrating.

I have no idea what to do from here to reset the unit so I can see the menu and then make the changes needed to access my system.

Not sure what happened with this new router.

Sorry for all the detail but thought it may be helpful. Any advice to point me in the right direction? Thank you very much.
@RamblinMan lets see if we can sort out the network side first.

What make / model / version of router are you using? Also the model number and firmware for the NVR.

@RamblinMan lets see if we can sort out the network side first.

What make / model / version of router are you using? Also the model number and firmware for the NVR.


Thanks David for the response. I'm not sure how to get the firmware right now as I have no access to the device.

Using the Mac software for the cameras, I see it has saved for the NVR

Hikvision DS-7608NI-I2​

I don't know the firmware from what I can tell.

On the router, this is the new device and I don't see a lot of markings on it to note which make/model. I googled one number I found on it. I believe it is the:

NEXQ6GO-M Cellular WiFi Router​

On the router, this is the new device and I don't see a lot of markings on it to note which make/model. I googled one number I found on it. I believe it is the:

NEXQ6GO-M Cellular WiFi Router​

Is this your router?

I have the same NVR.

Correct, that router looks to be the one they sent me. The re-seller for the internet I have to use put their marketing all over the device but I saw a couple of numbers I googled. That looks to be it.

We have 4G wireless internet coming in to the house, I have that connected to a Unifi Switch. The NVR is plugged into the switch. The cameras are plugged into the NVR. Thank you.
Correct, that router looks to be the one they sent me. The re-seller for the internet I have to use put their marketing all over the device but I saw a couple of numbers I googled. That looks to be it.

We have 4G wireless internet coming in to the house, I have that connected to a Unifi Switch. The NVR is plugged into the switch. The cameras are plugged into the NVR. Thank you.
Can you logon to the router and let me know the IP address and subnet mask (like SNM If its easier just post a screenshot
Can you logon to the router and let me know the IP address and subnet mask (like SNM If its easier just post a screenshot
I am showing this info:


Subnet Mask
Using the sadp tool what is the IP address of the NVR?

Are you in the USA?

Using the sadp tool what is the IP address of the NVR?

Are you in the USA?


I will need to re-connect the device to check SADP. I wonder if I was doing this correctly. I brought the NVR into the my computer room and experimented with connecting computer straight to NVR from ethernet on the computer to the LAN on the NVR. Then I experimented with ethernet from computer to one of the POE on the NVR. I think I also played around with adding a LAN connection while I had the ethernet in the POE connection. I could not find a lot on the fly about how to connect the SADP.

I took a screen shot of the actual NVR screen when I had it up and it said: IPv4 Address:

Yes, USA.

Thank you!
I took a screen shot of the actual NVR screen when I had it up and it said: IPv4 Address:
Your NVR is not on the same network as your router. Using the SADP tool select the NVR go to the righthand side of the screen and see if DHCP is enabled, if not enable it. You'll need to enter the admin password to do this. if it is successful reboot your NVR and check the IP with SADP it should be 192.168.188.nnn.
Your NVR is not on the same network as your router. Using the SADP tool select the NVR go to the righthand side of the screen and see if DHCP is enabled, if not enable it. You'll need to enter the admin password to do this. if it is successful reboot your NVR and check the IP with SADP it should be 192.168.188.nnn.
Thanks for this response. I really appreciate it.

May I confirm the right way to connect to SADP? Is it my computer ethernet to the POE on the NVR?

Last night the SADP tool would not seem to accept my admin password although I never had this issue on the unit itself. I have access to the HIK web-site but I believe that's not the same as the NVR itself. I had saved my password for the NVR to be safe and entered it again. Keeps refusing it. I will connect it back now and give all of this another approach. Thank you!
May I confirm the right way to connect to SADP? Is it my computer ethernet to the POE on the NVR?
The NVR and computer need to be connected to your network.

NVR LAN port to the switch to the router.

your computer connects to the router wifi network or ethernet cable to switch / router.

run sadp on your computer and it should show your NVR. check DHCP and enable if needed.

be careful how many times you enter the NVR admin password, you could be locked out.

what timezone are you?

The NVR and computer need to be connected to your network.

NVR LAN port to the switch to the router.

your computer connects to the router wifi network or ethernet cable to switch / router.

run sadp on your computer and it should show your NVR. check DHCP and enable if needed.

be careful how many times you enter the NVR admin password, you could be locked out.

what timezone are you?

Thanks for the info. If the NVR is connected to the switch and the computer is a different room but connecting to the switch, I guess that works? I saw a video online where a guy said the NVR needs to be connected directly to the computer, so I've been unplugging it and bringing it to the computer room. Sounds like a cable does not need to be physically connecting the computer to the NVR. I think I misunderstood.

I may need to see how to reset the admin password but I can't do it presently with no access.

I'm going to connect it all back to see if I can get in by SADP.

I'm in Eastern Time Zone. Thank you.
The NVR and computer need to be connected to your network.

NVR LAN port to the switch to the router.

your computer connects to the router wifi network or ethernet cable to switch / router.

run sadp on your computer and it should show your NVR. check DHCP and enable if needed.

be careful how many times you enter the NVR admin password, you could be locked out.

what timezone are you?


Hi David. So I plugged the NVR back in and connected the LAN. The NVR shows up in SADP. DHCP is not enabled. It appears I was able to change it to enable DHCP.

It rebooted and the IP address is now in line with the others and correct.

I am in the system via web! You are fantastic!

I guess from here I need to change the dimensions of the video.

We had connected the NVR directly to a 4k TV as I had read that seemed to be one of the solutions if this happened. We still couldn't see the mouse or menu options at that point. Not sure why that would not work for us.

Thank you so much for your help! I really appreciate it!
May I ask a follow-up question? Part of my mess started when trying to change the screen resolution so I could see the entire menu on the NVR. My TV/monitor connected to the NVR would not permit me to make any such changes. Is that controlled somewhere in the NVR menu of choices? I thought resolution but perhaps not. Thanks again.
I guess from here I need to change the dimensions of the video.
does this help?
Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 20.55.55.png

now that NVR DHCP is enabled it is possible the NVR IP address could change after router or NVR reboot. do you know if your router has any IP addresses outside the DHCP server range? another option is for the router to always assign the same IP address to the NVR.

I'm off to bed now as up at 4am.
does this help?
View attachment 8524

now that NVR DHCP is enabled it is possible the NVR IP address could change after router or NVR reboot. do you know if your router has any IP addresses outside the DHCP server range? another option is for the router to always assign the same IP address to the NVR.

I'm off to bed now as up at 4am.
Hey David,

Wow, had no idea of your time zone. Thanks for staying up and providing answers. Hope this finds you well-rested!

I really appreciate your help. I'm still struggling with some things but here's where I'm at:

1. Cameras are back up on the NVR, and on my Mac's IVMS-4200. Also, I have both Ivms-4500 and HIK-Connect on my iphone. Configured the cameras to show on those as well.

2. My recording schedules have changed from constant to nothing. I'll play around with this.

3. I don't understand what has happened to a single camera. I have a 7 camera set-up. One of the cameras that I had named "rear porch" is showing as offline/not connected. I can't delete this. But the actual "rear porch" IS showing under an IP address sort of name. It is showing this way in each of the ways I would check. I can't figure out how to resolve this extra offline showing.

4. Very strangely to me, the names of the cameras are wrong in the HIK Connect and IVMS-4500. That is, the driveway camera is labeled pool. The pool is labeled front yard. It shows correct when I look at the monitor connected to the NVR and on my Mac when looking at IVMS-4200. Not sure so far how to resolve this weird naming issue. Not sure if this had to do with the order I Plugged in the cameras or which ports I plugged them into. I don't get why they show as correct in one area but wrong in others.

5. When I look at the web access version, it doesn't show any actual camera video but says plug in not detected. I am debating whether to download and install the HIK plug in (wasn't sure if any negative side effects or if that would even work).

If you have ideas of any or all, I'll gladly take some help again. I'm going to keep playing around with it some more.

Thanks again.
4. Very strangely to me, the names of the cameras are wrong in the HIK Connect and IVMS-4500. That is, the driveway camera is labeled pool. The pool is labeled front yard. It shows correct when I look at the monitor connected to the NVR and on my Mac when looking at IVMS-4200. Not sure so far how to resolve this weird naming issue. Not sure if this had to do with the order I Plugged in the cameras or which ports I plugged them into. I don't get why they show as correct in one area but wrong in others.
Did you connect the cameras to the correct port on the back of the NVR? I think each port on the back is assigned its own IP address.

For my NVR
Port 1 -
Port 2 -
Port 3 -
May I ask a follow-up question? Part of my mess started when trying to change the screen resolution so I could see the entire menu on the NVR. My TV/monitor connected to the NVR would not permit me to make any such changes. Is that controlled somewhere in the NVR menu of choices? I thought resolution but perhaps not. Thanks again.
Take note of which Display Port you are connected to [VGA or HDMI]
Access the NVR GUI via Web Browser & in the Configuration tab, navigate to System > System Settings > Menu Output
this is where you can change the Resolution Output to suit your Monitor for either VGA or HDMI
The Menu Output dropdown options, if you choose HDMI then your mouse/menus will only be available on the Screen connected to HDMI [Same for VGA etc] best option choose AUTO

Now to rectify the Display Issue where you can Not See all the Menu Items ................................... is done by your Monitor/TV settings [NOT the NVR], usually toggling through the Monitor/TV Picture or Aspect Ratio settings will identify the one you need, something like Scan or Full is usually the correct setting

Hope this helps

Did you connect the cameras to the correct port on the back of the NVR? I think each port on the back is assigned its own IP address.

For my NVR
Port 1 -
Port 2 -
Port 3 -

Hi David. Thanks for the response. No, I randomly inserted the cameras back in to each port, not knowing this would be an issue. I have an 8 channel NVR but only 7 cameras, so last night I ended up moving the cameras to the first 7 slots to leave number 8 empty.

After this, all of the cameras are correct except still this one camera on the Rear Porch. It's weird because on the NVR itself, the rear porch shows for me but a mystery camera # 8 says it is still disconnected. But when I look on my iphone software at the cameras, only 6 cameras show and the rear porch and this mystery camera both say offline. Not sure why it is retaining memory of the mystery camera 8 or how to remove it.

I realized last night that the "wrong names" I thought it was showing were showing only on the iphone IOS applications. These were names listed underneath the video while the name of the camera imprinted on the actual video was correct (hope that makes sense). I could not find where those further descriptions were added anywhere. After I removed/deleted the ios systems and re-added them, those wrong names were removed. So now when I receive a notification about a camera on my ios device, it will read something like numbers@notification rather than say RearPorch@HIK on the notification.