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DDNS conundrum


Active Member
Ok I registered for the Hikvision ddns service and set up one camera successfully. Tried to add a second camera in device management and I keep getting 'device does not exist'. Both cameras are 'forwarded' in my router. I've entered the correct serial number for the second camera but no matter what port I select I still get 'device does not exist'. Just a thought. Does each camera need to be registered separately with a separate domain name ?
HMM managed to blunder my way through this and got both cmeras up and running. They both have urls which I can connect to. I'd like however to give each camera a domain name that tells me it's location ( as oposed to 'cameratest 1 and 2' ). So opening 'device management' I am able to change the port number but cannot modify either the serial number or the domain name. Any ideas ?
Hi Peter,

If you want a different domain name for each camera, you'll have to change it on the camera itself and then readd the camera to HiDDNS. You can do this via connecting to a camera via a web browser and navigating to Configuration > Network > DDNS