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Disgruntled neighbor does not like CCTV and has threatened with violence.


New Member
Hello to all :)

I moved into a property on an dead end terrace street almost 6 years ago now (UK, England). I installed some cheap CCTV cameras at the time to protect my property and car. They overlook a public road and path and can clearly see houses on the opposite side of the street. Due to the fact they was analog and low quality and distance at the time you was not able to see through windows so privacy mask simply was not enabled. (In fact, i don't even think the DVR had that feature at the time) I installed a CCTV sign and for many years nobody had any issues.

Due to the fact the CCTV sucked and was looking a little dated I upgraded them to dome vandle proof HIKVISION IP Cameras. The upgrade immediately gave a clear view of the street both ways and most importantly meant that I was able to identify anyone who came to my property or damaged my car. The cameras was setup to face both ways so I could see the road (both ways), my alleyway gate, my property and more importantly, my car. I've attached an image to demonstrate the configuration.
  • Over the years we have had multiple incidents on the street where people have reversed out of the dead end street and have hit our car causing damage (Hit and Run).
  • One of the residents across the road had his car hit twice in one week resulting in the car being written off.
  • Last year my neighbors shed was burgled stealing a bike and tried to take the lawnmower too (too heavy)
  • House had been burgled at the bottom end of the street which resulted in the police asking for CCTV and helping innocent victims be ruled out.
  • The CCTV helped rule out a suspect in a potential homicide (was later ruled suicide)
Last month I purchased a new car and it cost me a ton. I absolutely love the car and it is my pride and joy. However I came outside to discover that it had been bumped into (paint damage, scrape) - I was very upset as I saved a while to buy my first new car. I went through the CCTV to find the culprit but due to discovering it a little late the footage had already been overwritten with new recordings. (My fault, I sucked it up) - I spent the last week thinking how I could improve the view and security to better protect it. I purchased a dash cam with parking g-sensor and installed it into my car.

I then decided to re-position one of the cameras so it could see directly down at the road so I could see the side of my car which was on the road side should anyone hit it in future.

While doing so up a ladder a comment was made to me about "Privacy". - I calmly explained that the CCTV was their to protect my property and car due to it being hit multiple times. The response I then got was "well, its part of life.". I then replied back, "No, its not part of life, especially when you have paid alot of money for something and someone damages it".

This was then followed with the person "shouting" as loud as he could to get his point across about privacy and how he don't like cameras recording him and the fact they could see both ways of the street. I still remained calm and explained everything Im doing I have a right to do. The person then made multiple threats from "I'll just smash your face in" to a more disturbing "I'll petrol bomb your windows with your kids in it" - He then began taking photos of the CCTV and was going to use them to "check" or do whatever. I didn't care. He took the pictures and moved away.

Again, I remained calm and asking why hes acting so irrational. Some neighbors had arrived to look out to see what was happening. To my relief most of not all had quickly taken my side and agreed that they help and nobody has a problem other than this one individual of them being installed. One of the comments from a neighbor which was nice "Them cameras saved my mums car from hit and run, what if my sister got attacked" - After a while friends of the problem person came and tried to calm him down.

Now, the funny thing about this situation is that the individual with the problem lives MUCH further down the street and his neighbors have installed CCTV right next to him. CCTV was also installed at a property directly across from him on my side. I must have counted 3 houses that had decided to install CCTV over the years.

So, why target me? Especially with multiple house holds on the street also installed CCTV. What got him so triggered? - Multiple points was made to the problem individual about expectations and privacy out in public at which point the individual with the problem ignored and continue to shout his point almost asif nothing else matters but his view.

Has anyone else had any experiences like this? I'm still a little on edge after it all happened. I've read about as much I can in regards to the law and home use of CCTV and have tried my absolute best to make sure I stay well within the rules. - I took down the CCTV a few days ago to de-escalate the situation and have tried multiple times to contact the problem individual to help resolve and put it behind closed doors however I learnt from the persons friends that they are still upset/angry and not prepared to do so.

Since removing them I feel a bit off. - I really liked them and now feel my property is a bit vulnerable and if anything is damaged I now have no proof at all. - I've decided I will put them back up and just ignore the problem person and should anything arise in future call the police and let them deal with it.

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Well. First off you can point cameras down the street but suggest if its pointing at some one elses property use the privacy settings to block out their house and also you need to put up a sing saying CCTV in use or something like. I would also keep the cameras up and report any threats of violence to the Police.
Well. First off you can point cameras down the street but suggest if its pointing at some one elses property use the privacy settings to block out their house and also you need to put up a sing saying CCTV in use or something like. I would also keep the cameras up and report any threats of violence to the Police.

Thank you for confirming this. :)
I contacted ICO today and this was the response:

[6/23/2020, 3:18:10 PM] [ICO]: Hello. How may I help?
[6/23/2020, 3:18:17 PM] [ME]: Hello, I'm looking for advice regarding domestic CCTV.

I've installed dome camaras which allow me to see both directions of the street.
I've enabled privacy masks to block out any windows that may intrude on someone elses privacy.

I use the CCTV to protect my property and car which is on a cul de sac street as I have no driveway, The CCTV records footage for upto 30 days and then is deleted.
The CCTV data is secure to prevent any third party access.

Do I need to register as a data controller and pay a fee?

I've used your self-assessment form which says I do not, but as the CCTV is pointing to the street (public area) I'm unsure.
[6/23/2020, 3:19:56 PM] [ICO]: I see. Are the cameras in your own domestic property? If so, and they are not to do with a business, you do not need to register with us, but you do need to be aware of your data protection obligations if you are filming beyond your property's boundaries.
[6/23/2020, 3:20:06 PM] [ICO]: If you have a domestic CCTV camera that captures images beyond the boundaries of your property then you will be subject to data protection legislation.
To understand how data protection legislation applies to the usage of domestic CCTV you may find our guidance useful CCTV filming carried out by others
[6/23/2020, 3:20:24 PM] [ME]: Yes they are installed on a domestic property.
[6/23/2020, 3:21:34 PM] [ICO]: No need to register, but do have a look at the guidance I have sent a link to.
[6/23/2020, 3:22:01 PM] [ME]: Thank you for that information. Can you confirm as long as I follow the data protection legislation I am fully entitled to install CCTV on my property facing the street (public space)?
[6/23/2020, 3:24:01 PM] [ICO]: We could never confirm that you are able to actually install the cameras on your property.
[6/23/2020, 3:24:42 PM] [ICO]: We would want you to be aware of your obligations if you are capturing footage of people outside your property boundar so do read the guidance.
[6/23/2020, 3:24:46 PM] [ME]: As for the subject to access request, does this apply to me as I'm using the CCTV for domestic use and not business?
[6/23/2020, 3:26:18 PM] [ICO]: Yes, if someone thinks you have captured footage of them outside on the cul-de-sac, they are able to make a subject access request and ask you to provide a copy of their images from the CCTV. As I said, you do not have to register with it being in your own home, but one of your obligations is to respond to any subject access requests you might receive.
[6/23/2020, 3:27:18 PM] [ME]: Thank you for that. As for obligations for recording CCTV in a public space which is in this instance a street, what are they? Are they clearly listed in the guidance? :) - Sorry for the questions I want to make sure I'm following the law.
[6/23/2020, 3:28:47 PM] [ICO]: Well, the obligations include keeping the footage secure and responding to subject access requests and displaying clear signage. You would also need to delete someone's footage if they ask you to.
[6/23/2020, 3:29:21 PM] [ME]: Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.
It's a few years since I Installed my cctv and originally I had masked out anything outside my property perimeter. However I have elderly neighbours who have had occasional falls in their gardens, so I removed the masks so we could keep an eye on them. Also there had been a couple of overnight car thefts down the street so again I decided to remove the masks. This was after a police officer knocked on my door and asked if I could check my cctv to see if any suspicious activity had been recorded! I think if my neighbours complained I would be happy to restore the masks.
Good on you for looking out for the elderly :) +1 for that. I'm going to enable privacy masks when I reinstall the CCTV so if anyone makes a Subject to Access Request they can see their property is not being recorded.

As with my case it was just one person that did not like it. I wish I had a drive way but I don't which puts me in an awkward position to record the street in order to protect my property and car.

As for the laws regarding domestic CCTV its VERY vague.