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Double Image on all cameras


New Member
Hello guys

I'm new to the forum and I'm asking for your help.

We have a DVR DS-7208HUHI-K1 and we have a problem with all the cameras, the image has some sort of double image or shadow effect as you can see in the pictures.

All the cameras are Hikvision and PoE, we have tried switching cameras, switching video baluns and still the same.

I hope one of you can give us some advice to fix this.

Sorry for my english, its not my first language.


i think you connect your DVR directly to monitor via HDMI or VGA cable,
i had experience like this before from my pc because of low quality VGA Cable which make shadows and blurry screen,
so i suggest to replace your VGA cable with another one and test (if u are using VGA cable for connecting DVR to Monitor)
this may help
i think you connect your DVR directly to monitor via HDMI or VGA cable,
i had experience like this before from my pc because of low quality VGA Cable which make shadows and blurry screen,
so i suggest to replace your VGA cable with another one and test (if u are using VGA cable for connecting DVR to Monitor)
this may help

Thank you for your answer, the DVR is connected directly to a HDMI Screen.

Here's how it looks in the live view in Firefox, as you can see it's less noticeable but the issue still there.

My gut feeling would be that it is most likely due to the cables/connections to the cameras.
Hello guys

I'm new to the forum and I'm asking for your help.

We have a DVR DS-7208HUHI-K1 and we have a problem with all the cameras, the image has some sort of double image or shadow effect as you can see in the pictures.

All the cameras are Hikvision and PoE, we have tried switching cameras, switching video baluns and still the same.

I hope one of you can give us some advice to fix this.

Sorry for my english, its not my first language.


View attachment 3827View attachment 3828
Same problem for me. Did you fix?
Test, by moving a camera close to your DVR and connecting it with a short/bought/manufactured co-ax cable and power cable.
If the double-image is no longer evident, then your installed cable(s) are the cause of the double image.
It may be:
  • Poor quality cable.
  • Poor terminations; badly crimped / poor co-ax braid to earth.
  • Poor installation / routing e.g. maybe routing the co-ax video cables adjacent to / across power cables.