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Firmware DS-2CD2387-G2 Camera Firmware Version?


Hi, I can easily find the firmware version for my NVR which is up to date as the latest version is risky? But how do I find the camera firmware version? I feel I've looked everywhere in the software and in the web browser.

The cameras are DS-2CD2387-G2's
ps I find small segements of footage is missing on playback. Could the firmware be responsible?
okay, if your cameras are directly connected you need to enable the NVRs Virtual Host feature which creates links for you to log in directly to each directly connected camera, once logged in you can see the firmware the camera is currently running and update it if necessary.

In regards to the missing footage, you can go to maintenance in the NVR and check the NVR logs where you should see an entry at around the time the gap in recording began that will give you an idea of what might have caused it.
The cameras are DS-2CD2387-G2's
The G2 models use either G3 or G5 firmware. Log into the camera and check Configuration > System Setting > Basic Information. The 'Firmware Version Property' at the bottom of that page will contain either 'G3' or 'G5'

Latest G3 Firmware for the 2387 is here (previously the 2347 and 2387 used the same version but it looks as though Hikvision have now split them):

Latest G5 version on the portal is here:

There's a slightly newer version of the G5 firmware here at the bottom of the product page:
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Great thanks, got the info but my versions on 3 cams are 5.7.2 5.7.3 5.5.810 so all quite new by the looks of things.
Rgarding the footage I found a random point were there was about a minute missing when looking through the "playback" feature but when I go into the maintenance and input the times it plays flawlessly. Going back into playback mode it's still missing footage. This appears to happen often from a few seconds to larger segments. The alarm in the maintenance log is just motion?
Thanks @Dave911

Can you share a screenshot of what you are seeing in the playback timeline?
Can you also share screenshots of the record schedule/settings?
When you are logged into the cameras can you go to the basic information section and confirm the "Firmware Version Property" for all 3 cameras?
All cams are on version B-R-G5-0
I think I've worked it out when I was taking screenshots, when it's missing footage I think it must have been in "smart" view. It seems to jump to the next motion even though its sort of the same movement. If I look at it in "normal" view it doesn't jump around. Is that correct?
EDIT: Yeah I've doubled checked on a different clip. It jumps forward seemingly even when there is constant movement in Smart View mode. When I watch the same period in normal view it's fine.
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So you are viewing the cameras on a direct HDMI monitor and are switching between normal and smart playback, by default you are correct that normal playback will playback continuously and in smart playback it will jump between event triggers. You can change this though by going to the little square icon just to the left of the play button which is labelled 'Play Strategy' and when you click this you should get a little menu with a box that should be ticked for 'Do Not Play Normal Videos', if you untick this and start playback again it will playback the continuous recording from before & after the events rather than jumping straight to the next event.

(you will also see in that sub-menu that you can adjust the event and normal playback speed, so if you set normal playback faster than the event playback it will speed through the normal footage and then slow back to normal speed when it reaches the next event).
Great thanks, got the info but my versions on 3 cams are 5.7.2 5.7.3 5.5.810 so all quite new by the looks of things.

All cams are on version B-R-G5-0

In that case the latest version of firmware is at the third/last link in my post above (5.7.10SP_build220830). For now it's only available there but it will likely appear on the portal download page (second link) fairly shortly.
So you are viewing the cameras on a direct HDMI monitor and are switching between normal and smart playback, by default you are correct that normal playback will playback continuously and in smart playback it will jump between event triggers. You can change this though by going to the little square icon just to the left of the play button which is labelled 'Play Strategy' and when you click this you should get a little menu with a box that should be ticked for 'Do Not Play Normal Videos', if you untick this and start playback again it will playback the continuous recording from before & after the events rather than jumping straight to the next event.

(you will also see in that sub-menu that you can adjust the event and normal playback speed, so if you set normal playback faster than the event playback it will speed through the normal footage and then slow back to normal speed when it reaches the next event).

I'll have a tinker but to clarify what I'm trying to say is that lets say a car is turning around in front of the camera. In smart view I may see the car coming in then suddenly it's disappeared and I'll be looking at something else. If I watch it in normal view I'll see the whole manouvre. Basically it doesn't finish viewing the whole clip of footage before moving on even though there's more to see.
Not the end of the world but unexpected.
In that case the latest version of firmware is at the third/last link in my post above (5.7.10SP_build220830). For now it's only available there but it will likely appear on the portal download page (second link) fairly shortly.

Thanks I'll take a look.
In smart view I may see the car coming in then suddenly it's disappeared and I'll be looking at something else. If I watch it in normal view I'll see the whole manouvre.
If you see everything in normal view without any missing frames it's just how you have your detection set I think. In Smart Playback, when it skips to view the event, it starts playing back the event exactly 5 seconds before the trigger. You don't mention what NVR model and firmware version you're using. On older models it was possible to adjust the pre playback time but now it's fixed at 5 seconds.

One thing I would check that may affect what you're seeing. Go into the record schedule in the menu on the NVR and for each camera, click the 'advanced' button. If you're recording 24/7 - ensure that the 'Pre-Record' is set to zero; as by default it is set to 5 seconds. It should be zero if you're recording 24/7 and I'm wondering if your playback (while in Smart Playback mode) are starting 5 seconds before the Pre record, rather 5 seconds before the actual event trigger.
Pre record.png
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It's a DS-7608NI which is hopefully quite new as I've only just got it.
I've changed the setting to 0 it was on 10 secs, the post record lowest is 5s. Firmware is 4.6.005
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It's a DS-7608NI which is hopefully quite new as I've only just got it.
I've changed the setting to 0 it was on 10 secs, the post record lowest is 5s. Firmware is 4.6.005
The newest version of firmware is 4.61.025 released about a week ago. It's available at the bottom of the product page here:

Post record is fine at 5 seconds. Historically having pre record enabled (rather than at 0) when recording 24/7 caused some issues. A little different to what you've been experiencing, in that the normal playback would freeze at the moment of an event and skip frames for several seconds causing the event not to be captured at all.
Ok thanks for the help. It's not the end of the world as I know the footage is all there but I'll update firmware anyway as long as it's not got any bugs I'll be putting into the system.