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Firmware Ds-7716NI-I4/16P NVR - I installed the wrong firmware - is there anything I can do now to fix it?


New Member

Hello, today I had the chance to work on the famous ds-7716NI-I4/16P. In the past I already installed and fixed these NVR with no issue. Today decided to do a sofware upgrade to get my Colour view compatible with the NVR. In the past no issue doing the firmware on NVR and getting the colour view functioning no problem. Previous firmware is 3.4.4 & new one is 4.61.025. NVR is bricked, spoke with Hikvision and I need to send to RMA for fix. Wanted to see if there was a different fix to the issue without getting Hikvision in the picture. The firmware that was installed was accepted by NVR but not the proper one for it. The 4.61.025 is for ds-7716NI-I4/16P(b). Anyway to downgrade firmware or am I screwed lol.

Thanks for the help everyone!
Hi @Bouds

When you say 'bricked' do you mean you can't log in to the NVR?
When upgrading to v4.61.025 did you do it in one firmware upgrade or did you update through multiple older firmware versions before updating to the latest?