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Door Entry DS-KD8003-IME1 door access schedule?


New Member

I have DS-KD8003-IME1 with ds-kd-kp keypad.

Is there any possibility to add access (pin) to open door but only available at specific hours ?

I already tried adding organization - person, but it doesn't work, I can't open door with provided pin.

Public password works, but it is available all day.
Never got the codes with person to work, keep me posted...

Indeed only public work
I’m looking for this capability too. My use case is 2 stations, one for access to the property through the gates and the other for access to the house. both connected/paired to an indoor station. I want to be able to give the gardener an access code for the gate, but not for the house. And preferably only within scheduled hours. As it is now I can only configure public codes which give access to both stations and thus garden and house. I’ve tried the AC module creating schedules, persons, etc. but as per the first post, no joy. I know I can add the card module and use it to identify users and open up all the functionally of the AC module but a) that is overkill for my case and b) it requires me to issue cards to gardener etc. which is inconvenient at best.
Any idea on how to implement my use case with the main module and keypad?
Yes , I have the same question, for now i also use public passwords... But indeed i want to give limited access to other person's too...

Keep us posted if you find the solution
This would be great feature. Say when you want to allow visitors during the day, but at night the codes are disabled. There are so many feature improvements Hikvision could implement, and I hope they get this information fed back! They might just be working on gen3 which would be sad as new gen2 customer.

I'm facing a similar issue and would be keen to hear if anyone has found a solution?