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Field of view and aspect ratio change with colorvu cameras


New Member
I have replaced 4 DS-2CD2335FWD-I cameras with 2CD2347G2-LU ColorVU cameras. They are all 2.8mm and in exactly the same mounting positions. Obviously the new cameras have a larger CMOS sensor and 4MP rather than 3MP. I do not understand why the field of view has changed considerably - particularly with the new cameras having a much reduced vertical field of view. I attach two snapshots from before and after.

Can anyone explain / guide me here?
the new cameras have a larger CMOS sensor and 4MP rather than 3MP.
You've answered your own question really. Over the past few years the sizes of Hikvision image sensors has varied considerably and often the viewing angles with them. The 2335 in a 2.8mm variant had a horizontal viewing angle of 98 degrees whereas the 2347 is ultra wide at 109 degrees. I find this too wide for most of mine and tend to use 4mm in the newer cameras which is closer at 94 degrees horizontal. I also had the 2335's previously and if set to full resolution they produced more like a 4:3 (deeper vertically) aspect ratio rather that looked stretched when viewed in a widescreen window.

Your old camera was 2048 x 1536, whereas the new is 2688 x 1520 - so it's primarily the aspect ratio that makes the difference.