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Forum - Can't delete or edit posts after 30 minutes?


Trusted Member
@Phil - Can anything be done about that or is it enforced for some reason? After 30 minutes it's not possible to edit/delete a post which is problematic:

1 - I can't correct typo's
2 - I can't add relevant information to an existing post without adding as a reply
3 - I can't delete a post if I've been talking complete bollocks and realise I've posted poor advice!
4 - Can't edit a post title
Last edited:
Hi @JB1970

Let me re-visit this over the next few days.

Spamming has become a really big problem.
We continue to fight it / them daily to keep the forum clean and useful.

For instance, keep an eye on the New Members section - despite there being CAPTCHA etc and checks against databases of known spammers, every day a few people with bad intentions go to the bother of registering :(

Every week day morning we will go through the Approval Queue and remove those with bad intentions (50+ one morning last week!).

One of the vectors they began to use was to Post something passable, then return days/weeks later and use the edit function to insert malicious / spammy rubbish (changes which the platform was unable to notify us about). Our tightening on edits has stopped that.

There must be some combination of rules that allows us to elevate trusted members like yourself to be able to always edit etc.

Thank you for your continued valuable contributions here - I am sure that the whole community values them,

Hi @JB1970

Let me re-visit this over the next few days.

Spamming has become a really big problem.
We continue to fight it / them daily to keep the forum clean and useful.

For instance, keep an eye on the New Members section - despite there being CAPTCHA etc and checks against databases of known spammers, every day a few people with bad intentions go to the bother of registering :(

Every week day morning we will go through the Approval Queue and remove those with bad intentions (50+ one morning last week!).

One of the vectors they began to use was to Post something passable, then return days/weeks later and use the edit function to insert malicious / spammy rubbish (changes which the platform was unable to notify us about). Our tightening on edits has stopped that.

There must be some combination of rules that allows us to elevate trusted members like yourself to be able to always edit etc.

Thank you for your continued valuable contributions here - I am sure that the whole community values them,

Ah ok, understood. I do remember a period when there was a lot of rubbish appearing so understand the need to guard against that.
I've had a fiddle with the forum settings.

Anybody with 100+ Posts is now promoted to a group labelled 'Trusted Member', and should be able to edit and delete their own Posts.

I've also had a play with the 'User title ladder' - @JB1970 you are now officially a 'Guru' - well deserved IMO :)
I can't delete a post
I deleted your duplicate Post for the new firmware, and a microsecond after clicking Delete realised it would have been better to let you do it / to prove you could!

Sorry - Doh!