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Help with a New Hikvision TurboHD System



I recently had a 4 camera Hikvision system installed - due to Covid restrictions the installer wasn't able to give me much of a setup/training session. I have a few queries I'd love to get help with (I've searched everywhere online and struggling to get answers).

The cameras are 5MP Turbo HD Audio - DS-2CE78HOT-IT3FS and are wired directly to the DVR (Turbo HD DVR - 7200 series).

1) I managed to set up line crossing detection myself and selected all the normal linkage options. I added my email details in the email section of Advanced Settings and now get notifications by email perfectly. My question is - how do I get phone notifications - I have looked through all the options on the system and can't find anywhere to add my mobile number. Hikvision Connect on my iPhone has my mobile number in Account Management and I have push notifications enabled. Is there a menu where I have to initiate phone notifications?

2) I can access my system on my laptop via the IP address and can view/amend/change all the settings - the one problem is I can't see any footage (live or prerecorded). The four boxes are all blank. The names of my 4 cameras are showing on the left hand of the screen and are selected, but I can't see any footage (see attached pic). Is there a setting I need to initiate?

Really appreciate any help.



  • Screenshot 2020-05-19 at 20.59.30.png
    Screenshot 2020-05-19 at 20.59.30.png
    2 MB · Views: 217
1) for mobile notifications you need to enable Notify Surveillance center in Linkage method ( and add your device to hik-connect).

2) When you click on camera to see live view does it says encyription key error? You need to copy verification code from HIk-Connect menu ( network - platform acces ) and paste it in local encriptyion key.
Hi - thanks for your help.

1) I had previously enabled Notify Surveillance centre in Linkage method. Hik-Connect is working fine on my iPhone - my system is showing and all the camera work. Do you know where the system takes your mobile number from for notification purposes? In account management on the app, my mobile number is listed correctly, but if I go into 'manage sharing settings', other devices, it lists the installers mobile under my device.

2) No, there is no encryption key error - the camera are all listed correctly, there is just no picture from any of them on my laptop screen (via IP) - the camera work fine on Hik Connect app and on the TV connected directly to the DVR.
Phone number is just a way of registering you on HIK-CONNECT. YOu can registrate via e-mail or mobile phone.
That sharing settings, just means that your installer shared your device to his HIK-CONNECT account.

Did you copy-pasted key from platform to local?
So slight update - I spoke to the installer yesterday and he was unable to help with either problem. I then spoke to Hikvision tech support, who were really unhelpful - apparently they will only speak to installers and not end-users.

Strangely out of the blue last night notifications on my mobile started coming through. Don't believe I changed any settings on the system, so not sure why after 3 weeks, notifications have suddenly started. Really happy this is sorted.

If I could just get my cameras playing on my laptop (through IP address) I would be sorted. The installer said viewing camera through the IP address does not work (which I think is just wrong) - he suggested downloading HikConnect onto my laptop - I didn't think this was possible?
When you enter your DVR IP adress can you log into camera? You are using Internet Explorer ( must use it )? When you log onto DVR you will need to install add-on for DVR.

It is utter bull*** that you cant watch trought IP adress.

And you need IVMS 4200 for that, not hik-connect.
What happens when you single click or double click on one of those cameras in the list? Or on one of the boxes to the right?

At the bottom of the live view you have this play button ( first from the left). Click that and see what happens.
Thanks everyone- really appreciate the advice. KamirZG got it- my laptops were running Chrome- have tried using Internet Explorer and it is working perfectly!! Interestingly the live view on the laptop is a good bit smoother than live view on my mobile, even though both are working off wifi in the house.