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Hik-Connect Hik-Connect app Event Notifications Stopped

Jason Dutch

Hi all as you can see from the title ** Hik-Connect app Event Notifications Stopped **

Long story short...I have a DS7608NII28P NVR with 5 cameras, 1- 8mp turret, 1- 4mp mini dome and 3- 3mp turrets, all been working fine for weeks but I noticed on my iPhone and 2 iPads that the last event notification sent to the Hik-Connect app was Sunday 10th June, normally I have around 20 notifications daily at minimum.

As well as having Notify Surveillance Centre inside Event Linkage Method, I always chick the Send Email as a backup. checking my dedicated email account, I can see all the event notifications to date, just nothing since Sunday on the app.

You guys suggested yesterday I upgrade my NVR and cameras to the latest versions for each, and that I've done, you also suggested to change WEB Authentication from 'digest' to 'digest/basic’…Again, I had made this change.

Last night I shutdown the NVR and power back on instead of the normal reboot, and yet this still hasn’t fix it. It must be at Hik Vision end right? it’s not like I updated Hik Connect app or anything, so it must be back end.

Is there anybody out there with the same problem?

Use-IP, can you investigate this.

Thanks, and have a great weekend all.
Hi Phil

NVR is running NVR_K51_BL_ML_STD_V4.1.50_180227 and yes I can see all 5 cameras on the Hik-Connect app but when click messages (where push notifications go) it's empty, Just dont know why it stopped as of sunday
That's the correct and latest firmware.
Not sure what's happened here.

Restart your iPhone/iPads?
Restart your router?

Can we give it a few days and see whether anyone else reports same?
And, try another restart/reboot over the weekend/Monday.
Nudge me here if no joy, and I'll see whether Hik Tech Support have any ideas/suggestions.
Hi, just a quickie to confirm that I have asked Hikvision UK Tech Support and will get back to you as soon as I hear anything from them.
Hi Jason, Hik Tech Support just made a suggestion that I had not thought of, have you checked the Notification schedule within your App?

Are the settings OK / as you'd expect?


If you are happy to share your login credentials with us, we/they can login and take a look to see if we can spot any problems.
Forward to my email address at pjs(at)use-ip.co.uk
Same here, complete professional instal Friday gone, no notification to phone, all recorded and visible in the app massages.
Hi all as you can see from the title ** Hik-Connect app Event Notifications Stopped **

Long story short...I have a DS7608NII28P NVR with 5 cameras, 1- 8mp turret, 1- 4mp mini dome and 3- 3mp turrets, all been working fine for weeks but I noticed on my iPhone and 2 iPads that the last event notification sent to the Hik-Connect app was Sunday 10th June, normally I have around 20 notifications daily at minimum.

As well as having Notify Surveillance Centre inside Event Linkage Method, I always chick the Send Email as a backup. checking my dedicated email account, I can see all the event notifications to date, just nothing since Sunday on the app.

You guys suggested yesterday I upgrade my NVR and cameras to the latest versions for each, and that I've done, you also suggested to change WEB Authentication from 'digest' to 'digest/basic’…Again, I had made this change.

Last night I shutdown the NVR and power back on instead of the normal reboot, and yet this still hasn’t fix it. It must be at Hik Vision end right? it’s not like I updated Hik Connect app or anything, so it must be back end.

Is there anybody out there with the same problem?

Use-IP, can you investigate this.

Thanks, and have a great weekend all.
hello i have been experiancing the same issue with no banner, sound on notification. Running latest ios software on apple phone and latest version of hi- connect. have you resolved your issue?