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Hik-Connect Hik-Connect Bug? (V4.25.0.20220723 iOS)


Trusted Member
A possible bug in the latest version of the Hik-Connect app and the Notification Enable/Disable (Bell) icon.

Previously when enabled the user would 'receive events AND push notifications', when disabled the user would 'receive events but NOT push notifications'. That meant when disabled, just the audible/visual push notification would switch off, while all events would still populate in the 'Notification' area of the app (with thumbnail and video clips available)

On the latest version if I disable Notifications with the Bell icon - push notifications are disabled as they should be. However, any events triggered while notifications are disabled are not received and do not appear in the 'Notification' section of the app. Effectively it seems to be enabling/disabling events to the app completely rather than just the push notifications.

I've not tried uninstalling/reinstalling the app as yet. As this is on iOS, I'm unable to revert to a previous version.
Thanks again for raising this @JB1970 - I've asked Hikvision Support if they're aware of this and looking at a fix.
Sorry for the slow update on this!

Hikvision support has been testing this and just asked if you had a notification schedule set (within the notification settings for the device in the app) when you saw this bug?
Sorry for the slow update on this!

Hikvision support has been testing this and just asked if you had a notification schedule set (within the notification settings for the device in the app) when you saw this bug?
Hi @Kyle - No, I don’t bother with notification schedules so it’s 24/7. The issue was with 4.25 and I’ve not had chance to check it again with the 4.26 version as I’m away from home. I’ll see if I can replicate the problem again when I return home next week.
Thanks :) I've passed that on - could you also confirm which camera or NVR you saw / are still seeing the issue on, please?
Thanks :) I've passed that on - could you also confirm which camera or NVR you saw / are still seeing the issue on, please?
It was on DS-7616-I2/16P with firmware 4.61.010