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Hik-Connect Hik connect notifications - camera names?


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I changed over an NVR last night from a recent K series 8 channel to a slightly older I series 16 channel - and although I’ve named all the cameras on the NVR - and the names are showing in Hik connect - notifications for smart events are showing just the camera number and NVR model which makes it quite confusing to know which alert is triggering. I seem to recall this happened when I changed a k series a while back - but can’t remember how it resolved itself. The I series is running the latest firmware.

On the K series I get the camera name on notification as per the pic with the red background - garden 1 - on the I series I get the camera model number on the blue background.

All the camera names are set up - what am I missing to get the camera names to pop up on the alerts ? What step have I missed?

The I Series (Cameras are all named in the NVR and visible in HIK-Connect - but only camera number and model comes up):



Named - as you can see:



The K series (Does what I expect):


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Make sure you rename them on the monitor interface of the NVR - not on the web interface. Every time I've added or changed new cameras, renaming through the web interface does not work. I have to make the changes on the NVR monitor for it to work.
Make sure you rename them on the monitor interface of the NVR - not on the web interface. Every time I've added or changed new cameras, renaming through the web interface does not work. I have to make the changes on the NVR monitor for it to work.
I'll go back in today and see if changing them on the NVR directly makes a difference! Thanks for providing a pointer.
I went back to site yesterday - did a full reset (again) of the NVR - reset the external cameras - renamed them on the NVR - unbound the HIK-connect - and rebound the HIK-connect - and I'm no further forwards. Still only getting camera number and NVR model rather than the camera name. I also tried changing the camera name through IE on a local PC in the same network via IP address access - that made no difference either. I must be missing something simple - and I'm evidently too simple to spot it. Would welcome any more suggestions if anyone has any.
Also try just logging out of the Hik Connect app and back in again - I've had similar issues when adding additional cameras.
Also try just logging out of the Hik Connect app and back in again - I've had similar issues when adding additional cameras.
Good call - one of the obvious things to try but I hadn't. I'll go see what difference it makes a little later this afternoon!
Also try just logging out of the Hik Connect app and back in again - I've had similar issues when adding additional cameras.
That didn't work either.

So -

Have reset the NVR completely to factory
Removed the NVR from Hikconnect
Logged out of Hikconnect
Reset the cameras directly connected to the NVR
Renamed the cameras in the NVR OSD screen
Logged in to Hikconnect
Added the NVR to Hikconnect via scanning the NVR quick code
Rebooted the NVR
Restarted the phone

And - no - I still don't have the camera names flashing up on alerts.

If anyone else has any ideas - I'd be grateful to hear them.
Hikvision really knows how to infuriate you sometimes.

Having done all of the above - then having gone back and tried renaming to something different on the NVR - then the Ip address access, still nothing.

Then tried renaming again on the 'linked cameras' of Hikconnect - and it worked. Now the named cameras are coming through again.

I did the same thing last week and it didn't work then - then I did the same thing this week and it did work now. Grrr....

Why can't it just work no matter where you change the names. Probably too many different systems bolted together over several years - but someone that's getting as big as Hikvision could really get the basics sorted out to prevent me pulling what little hair I have out.

I love the overall Hikvision range and general reliability - but the quirks can be so annoying.