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Hikvision 2CD2355FWD Gone Black and White

Michael Quinn

Hi I have two of the above CCTV cameras about 2 years old and they have both lost their IR view at night. During the day they both show colour views of the surrounding areas but the scenes seem to have a foggy mist effect. I have cleaned both cameras lens and update to the latest firmware for G1 cameras from UK Portal. I would appreciate any helpful comments.
Can you please upload and share some sample images?
Hi Phil
These are the cameras in question. The one covering the front drive is working but the other covering the Front Garden shows no IR glow. The red light is on but nothing else. The view during the day is misty unfortunately I will try and get some better day shots.


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If you dip the FRONT GARDEN camera to take the lamp post heads out of it you will probably see quite a difference.

The FRONT DRIVE view looks fine.
Hi Phil I have just taken this shot showing all exterior cameras


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I will certainly try your suggestion tomorrow. I was only aware of this problem recently as previously it was working very well as I caught two foxes carrying on just last month
^^^ Spam post

Edit - that was for a spam post on Michael's thread that has since been removed. That wasn't aimed at you, Mike.
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Good morning Phil
unexpectedly this morning the two 2cd2355 are showing black and white scenes where as the 2cd2042 in the back garden at the same time is in brilliant colour. Have you any suggestions as to what is causing this. All the cameras are POE and I rotated the POE PSUnits.


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How long does this last, Mike? If a short time, it could be how the cameras are aimed and when they catch the sunrise. It's not unusual for a few of my cams to kick into daytime mode/color before some of my other cams, which are not quite getting enough light yet. Usually lasts a few minutes at most.
Hi Fullboogie
This has only happened In the last week or so. For the last two years they have been fine no problems colour bright and clear no mist.