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AX PRO Hikvision AX Pro alarm - question

Hikvision's AX PRO intruder alarm systems


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For each of my zones - there are two 'buttons' - one to set the system to armed if I'm at home, and one to set the system if I'm away. What's the difference in terms of what the system actually does between both options? I can't see anything that's configurable to perform a certain action different ways depending on whether you are home or away - has anyone figured out the difference?
Hi @cymruchris

So, Hikvision refers to the options as "stay" and "away" arming.

The screenshot below is from the user manual (also attached if you need it), it looks like...

"Away Arming" - This waits for you to leave the property, and then arms all of your alarm devices, both indoor PIR detectors, and perimeter devices (e.g. magnetic contacts, perimeter, glass break, shock, and curtain detectors).

"Stay Arming" - If you're home, this option will only arm the perimeter devices, and leave the PIR detectors for detecting movement within the room off, so that you're alerted when somebody else enters the property.



Thanks - that explains it nicely and the manual is most certainly welcome - I’ll have a look through this evening to see if there’s anything additional I can learn. Thanks very much.
I know this thread is quite old now, but I have recently purchased an AX PRO.

There is an option for each zone called "Stay Home Bypass" - if checked then the zone won't be active if "Stay Home" is activated
Sorry to jump on an old post but I'm just in the middle of replacing a Nest Secure with this system and had a loosely related question.

Is there a way to set both areas, house and garage, as 'Stay Arming' but with door contacts and PIRs on in the garage with one click or automation etc? On Nest Secure it's possible but there's about a hundred less options on that for me to get my head around compared to the AX Pro system.

Does that make sense?
Sorry to jump on an old post but I'm just in the middle of replacing a Nest Secure with this system and had a loosely related question.

Is there a way to set both areas, house and garage, as 'Stay Arming' but with door contacts and PIRs on in the garage with one click or automation etc? On Nest Secure it's possible but there's about a hundred less options on that for me to get my head around compared to the AX Pro system.

Does that make sense?
No - I'm not clear on what you're asking.

You want 'House' and 'Garage' (for example) to be armed with both door contacts and PIR's - I think I get that much - what's the one click or automation you're referring to? What are you trying to achieve? Maybe it's my dull brain not understanding the question.
No - I'm not clear on what you're asking.

You want 'House' and 'Garage' (for example) to be armed with both door contacts and PIR's - I think I get that much - what's the one click or automation you're referring to? What are you trying to achieve? Maybe it's my dull brain not understanding the question.


I've been messing around a bit since earlier and worked a few things out and I have a few scenarios that I'm trying to figure out.

  1. Are you able to set what state the auto-arm does? By default if you set auto-arm for a time then it'll full set the alarm for the area. This is fine for my garage as I can set the auto-arm and auto-disarm and forget about it but for the house I'd like to auto-arm and auto-disarm in the evening and morning but only to stay, not away, so only the door contacts are armed.
  2. In the event that there's no way of setting what auto-arm does, other than full set the alarm, is there a way of saying somewhere in the settings that if I press the main stay arming button, for the whole alarm, that for the garage area only I'd like it to full set.
If think, from what I can see, and from what I've seen in the user manual that every evening I'm going to have to manually stay arm the house area. I know this is not best practise but it saves having to arm/disarm in the middle of the night if the dog wants to go out.

In the Nest Secure settings I could basically make it so that on the home and guarding setting all the door contacts were armed but the garage PIR was also on so the routine would run every night and turn on all the door contacts and garage PIR.

Hopefully that makes sense?
In answer to your Point 1 - no I can't see a way to tell auto-arm to do one or the other - it's just full arm and full disarm on the automated option.

In answer to Point 2 - How are you arming the system? Are you using your phone, a remote or a tag reader?

I think on the remote button there's no option - and using the tag reader in 'standard mode' rather than 'simple mode' it does ask you to confirm which areas you want to arm, but again I don't think it gives you the choice of 'Stay' or 'Away'.

I think the only option of choosing 'Stay' or 'Away' is through the phone app on a manual adhoc basis rather than being able to automate it in any way. (Will wait to see if anyone else is aware of any workarounds).

One suggestion might be to set up 2 zones in the house (So 'House Perimeter' and 'House PIR' for example). You then have perimeter protection on one zone, and PIR's on the other zone.

Then you can auto arm/disarm the perimiter zone each day and night as per your requirements, and then manually set the PIR's if you go out and leave the house empty,
In answer to your Point 1 - no I can't see a way to tell auto-arm to do one or the other - it's just full arm and full disarm on the automated option.

In answer to Point 2 - How are you arming the system? Are you using your phone, a remote or a tag reader?

I think on the remote button there's no option - and using the tag reader in 'standard mode' rather than 'simple mode' it does ask you to confirm which areas you want to arm, but again I don't think it gives you the choice of 'Stay' or 'Away'.

I think the only option of choosing 'Stay' or 'Away' is through the phone app on a manual adhoc basis rather than being able to automate it in any way. (Will wait to see if anyone else is aware of any workarounds).

One suggestion might be to set up 2 zones in the house (So 'House Perimeter' and 'House PIR' for example). You then have perimeter protection on one zone, and PIR's on the other zone.

Then you can auto arm/disarm the perimiter zone each day and night as per your requirements, and then manually set the PIR's if you go out and leave the house empty,

Setting up different zones for PIRs and door contacts would work actually and it doesn't impact arming when we go out as it just arms every zone. That's a good idea so thank you!

re: how I'm arming, it was via the app, but I've just installed the LCD keypad which doesn't want to take my password so I don't seem to be able to do anything with it currently.