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HIKVISION Cameras being turned off ?


Active Member
I wonder if I am alone with this problem or if others are have the same problem , From past experience when they do a firmware update and you dont update they turn off my number 7 camera and you need to restart your system again .However when you have updated your Camera and NVR firmware all is well again .This time however they are still turning off my number 7 camera .
Here is a log over the past month : -
Off 09:15 PM 03.06.2020
Off 11:45 AM 23.06.2020
Off 11:50 AM 25.06.2020
Off 14:50 AM 25.06.2020
Off 03:00 AM 04.07.2020
Off 11:00 PM 06.07.2020
Off 03:00 AM 13.07.2020
Off 10:00 PM 13.07.2020
Off 10:15 PM 13.07.2020
Off 10:45 PM 13.07.2020
Off 14:27 PM 14.07.2020

NVR Firmware is V3.4.103 Build 181226 NVR is DS-7608NI-E2/8P/A
Cameras firmware V5.5.82 Build 190220 Cameras are DS-2CD2742FWD-I

As far as I know firmware is all up to date . I have changed out number 7 camera and it still gets turned off ? If I pull the plug from the router every thing is fine so what ever it is coming from the internet and the only people that have the password is HIKVISION .

Even as I write this email its been turned off again ?

Any thoughts from anyone am I alone with this problem or maybe its just me . I fully understand that the DS-2CD2742FWD-I is a old camera and I dont think they support it any more but does this mean I need to change out my cameras every 6 years .

Many Thanks .
Well someone is turning it off !

Hikvision is the only one that knows my password , As it has been changed many times , The same camera gets turned off even if I change over the camera . So I can only speak how I find in the past when they have changed camera or NVR firmware if you dont update your cameras start being turned off because as soon as I updated all was well again . The system was installed back in 2014 .

So I wish I had some other problem .
@Brian nobody is turning your camera on/off. HIKVISION don't know your password, and they can't know it. Company that produces milions of camera a year doesn't have time to play with your camera. Milions of camera doesn't have newest FW and they don't turn off/on.

You really have some other problems. Can you explain how is your system connected? What cable are you using for that camera? Did you tried to replace port on NVR? Do you maybe have IP confilct?
I fully understand what you are telling me but there is no problem with the cables , Ports or IP confilcts .
The system was installed in 2014 so its 6 years old .
The NVR is DS-7608NI-E2/8P/A
Cameras are DS-2CD2742FWD-I

Only 7 slots are used

This is not the first time this has happen from past experience when Hikvision change out firmware in NVR + Cameras they dont send out a email like DrayTek do telling there users that they have upgraded firmware in there routers and they should upgrade ASAP this being the case Hikvision get your attention in my case by turning off cameras I know because every time its been done in the past as soon as I have updated the system has been fine so it is a fact .

So lets look at the problem again maybe the camera has a fault , I have 2 spares and they both are the same .
Ok so how about cable again I get the same problem what ever is plugged into port 7 so its not the cable .

Now I have bench soak tested the NVR with a full load of cameras again no problems .

Which brings me to the current firmware I am aware that due to there age the DS-2CD2742FWD-I is no longer supported same goes for the DS-7608NI-E2/8P/A but the firmware last fitted was : NVR V3.4.103 Build 181226 , Cameras V5.5.82 Build 190220 .

Which brings me to the cameras being turned off , Since this problem is intermittent I can only say if the Ethernet is turned off from the system works fine as I did turn it off for 10 days .

As you can see from my log it can go for weeks without any problem but yesterday it went off 5 times and now its fine again but its 100% coming in via the internet should it continue it might be a case of changing out the system to a none Hikvision system yes they make good systems but they cant expect people to buy replacement NVR + cameras every 3 - 4 years .
Does this still happen if you connect the affected camera to another port on the NVR?
Hi thanks for the reply yes even if I change port and even if I change camera , In the past 24 hours it has gone off again . Because this problem is a intermittent . But seems to happen when the internet in connected .

I have spare cameras but the same thing happens to them . I dont have a spare NVR but I dont think its that because the same thing happens what ever port you plug the camera into .

The only option is to remove the NVR from the internet . Since the system is 6 years old both NVR and cameras are not under warranty and are no longer supported if you go to the Hikvision web site you can see this .

As far as I know both NVR + cameras are up to date on firmware :
NVR Firmware is V3.4.103 Build 181226 NVR is DS-7608NI-E2/8P/A
Cameras firmware V5.5.82 Build 190220 Cameras are DS-2CD2742FWD-I
Just out of interest, are all your cameras and NVR set to the correct date and time?
Sorry i dont know how to I can do some screen grabs for you . But today I contacted support.uk@hikvision.com but this is not your standard type of problem .

As if you go through step by step it all leads back to being connect back to the internet and nothing wrong with the system because if the system is not connected to the router the system is fine .

Is the camera the problem ! Same problem with 2 other spare cameras .

Maybe cable problem ! Same problem on all feeds plus if you plug camera straight into NVR with short whip .

The only common thing is all cameras are 6 years old and Hikvision no longer support them . I had this same problem about a year ago and bought the last DS-2CD2742FWD-I and every thing was back to normal but over the past few months the problem has got worse .

Since the problem is intermittent it is very hard to track and change things out except for changing out the NVR it all leads back to the internet .

So let me know how I down load the camera log for number 7 camera and I display it for you . I have a feeling if I replace the DS-2CD2742FWD-I with a newer camera a Hikvision DS-2CD2155FWD-II bet you the problem goes away . This is why once again I am asking am I the only person with this problem ?
It's nothing to do with the age of the cameras or NVR. I have a number of systems that pre date those models such as the obsolete DS7608NI-SE/P and DS2CD2032I (pre dates both the F-I and FWD-I) I've had no such issues due to age but have had a couple of cameras that have failed in a similar manner. For instance I had one that would randomly disconnect leaving gaps in the recording when I checked. On the system it would fail every day, however when I bench tested on a different NVR with just a short patch, it went for 7 days before it failed. I returned it to the supplier and they said "no fault found" after bench testing it for just one night and returned it to me. I installed it on another site and and it began to regularly fail again so it went in the bin - problem solved. I've not had many fail over the years but it does happen.

I think it's more likely that there's an issue with your camera or the settings. If you switch the cameras around and it's still camera 7 I would suggest the settings and in particular I'd be looking at the frame rate and bit rate for ALL of the cameras as you could be exceeding the maximum incoming bandwidth for that model (which is 80 Mbps) during activity (as the cameras have a tendency to burst beyond their allotted bit rate cap)

Things to check:
  1. For each camera check that the frame rate and bit rate for the main stream (normal) and main stream (event) are identical. Having the frame rate or bit rate change on event detection can cause problems.
  2. With the virtual host feature enabled on the NVR - log into each camera directly and check the video settings detailed in step 1. Occasionally a change applied in the NVR menu does not get applied on the camera so what you're reading in the NVR is not correct. I've had this happen a few times on older models - I've made a change on the NVR GUI and when I've checked the camera GUI I've found it was still on it's previous setting.
  3. In the recording schedule click the advanced box. There is a pop up box where the pre event and post event times are set. If your cameras are recording on a 24/7 but you also have motion detection enabled on them - ensure the pre alarm is set to 0 secs (default is 5)
  4. Total up the total bandwidth (add together the bit rates of all the main streams and sub streams) What is the total?
  5. Check in the maintenance section of the NVR menu and find the Network Statistics. This will tell you what bandwidth the connected IP cameras are using.

The reason I'm suggesting a possible bandwidth issue is that if the maximum is exceeded, I believe it'll drop off the highest number camera to bring it down. This is also the case for PoE, so ensure that the total (120W) is not being exceeded - unlikely unless there is a faulty camera.
Many thanks for your feed back and I fully understand what your saying but I am getting the same problem on the other 2 spare cameras they all cant have the same problem . All ok on being old cameras well all the others are working fine its just with port 7 however should I swap ports the problem seem to move with the camera . It very hard to track a fault when its intermittent it can work for for a few days or months but then change to a few minutes or hours .

I have noticed in the past 6 years when Hikvison change there firmware if you dont update your cameras + NVR firmware your cameras start to turn off because at this point I contact my dealer which is in this case is IP Ltd UK and ask if the firmware has been updated and they have given me a link .

The current firmware fitted is :-
NVR Firmware is V3.4.103 Build 181226 NVR is DS-7608NI-E2/8P/A
Cameras firmware V5.5.82 Build 190220 Cameras are DS-2CD2742FWD-I

As far as I am aware of this firmware is the latest .

Normally every thing goes back to normal again but for some strange reason number 7 slot seems to keeps turning its self off .I have checked how much current is being drawn and as you can see its normal .


  • power cameras-min.jpg
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I'm not sure you do understand what I'm getting at. If the settings on the cameras are incorrect or they cause the NVR to exceed it's maximum incoming bandwidth, the issue may continue whatever camera you put on that port - so it's not really a case of "they all can't have the same problem" as they all could cause the problem. I can only suggest you check the settings as I've detailed which may highlight something or resolve the issue.

The cameras/NVR do not start to go off if you fail to update the firmware unless they've been hacked. Like most firmware updates, as well as new features, the updates address security vulnerabilities that have been found and iron out known bugs. That's why it's advisable to keep everything up to date. However I've been to plenty of systems with original firmware on that haven't had issues.
Sorry but I can only speak how I find as for the camera settings I am using all default setting on all cameras I fully understand regarding bandwidth problems due to over driving but this is not the case as I would have had problems years ago . The reason I say this is the camera goes off at night time if you look on a scope and look at day time and night time the band width comes down . Plus why does it stop when I disconnect the internet .

If I did not update the firmware the cameras would be off more than on but it only happens after Hikvision do a firmware update but like I said its very hard to trace since its intermittent however if I disconnect from the router its fine which brings me to think its internet based .

But I bet you if I add a replace one of my old cameras with a new one the problems stops .
Well it sounds like you’re beyond help to be honest. You’ve reported some symptoms, can’t acknowledge that you may have incorrect settings as they’re at default (just because the camera is delivered set a certain way doesn’t mean that that’s the correct setup). I’m not sure what you were hoping to achieve by reporting the problem on this forum?

Perhaps your right - the Chinese government are spying on you or there’s some Russian geezer using your system to mine Bitcoin...
Having worked in china for many years nothing surprises me . I fully understand regarding settings if the system was a new install then you may be right but like I said this is a 6 year old install over the years I think I have reset the password about 6 times .

I was reporting it on this forum to see if any others had the same problem .If you do a web search regarding cameras being turned off there are many but like I said I bet you if I upgrade one of the cameras the problem will go away for maybe a few months .

So looking at my number 7 camera its still working and it might stay on for a few hours or days wait and see .
Just a suggestion Brian. JB is by far the most knowledgeable guy on this forum. He's a pro, not a hobbyist like most of us. You may want to follow his advice.