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Hikvision cameras connectivity to my network?



I have installed HIK Network cameras some are getting picked up when connected to the switch but NVR does pick them up automatically. I have checked ports on the switch they are working fine. The switch doesn't even blink to show connectivity on in NVR. 1 worked initially and was able to assign IP to it but after 5 days it stopped working.

Your assistance will be highly appreciated.
Hi @bhekisdr

Just to clarify, are you trying to connect the cameras to your switch and then connect them to the NVR across your LAN?
Or, when you say the NVR doesn't pick them up automatically, is this when you try to connect them to the POE ports on the NVR?

What model is your switch, please
Is it a POE switch?
What else do you have connected to it?

Also, what are the models of your cameras and NVR, and which firmware version is installed on each?
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Thanks for those details.

Can you let me know the model number of the Netgear switch, please?

Sorry, I'm still a bit confused by the issue - can you confirm that you are trying to connect the cameras that aren't working to your switch, and then use their IP address to connect them to the NVR remotely?

Or, are you connecting them to the switch first, editing the network settings, and then connecting them directly to your NVR?

Can you also send screenshots of where you are seeing the cameras being picked up on your NVR, but not on the switch, please?
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Thanks for the response, let me explain again.

Here is what happened.

Two Cameras were found to be faulty (DOME and Speed Bullet). Bought new ones re-connected them to the Switch, Speed Bullet was picked up by the switch automatically and we assigned an IP to it ( and it ran fine for approximately 3 Days and failed. We tried reconnecting the PTZ but the switch could not pick it up, checked the cable and found two many joints on it and some were wet. Ran new solid cable to the switch then it came up and we assigned it an IP ( After the PTZ connection, we then decided to ran new cables for other 4 Cameras because we suspected that they might also have the same problem in the near future. We new which port was connecting which we replaced but was not working again after few days. While checking ports on the switch, we found that Two Speed bullet cameras ( and 192.168.69) were using the port as the DOME Camera because when we removed Ethernet cable from the switch all three disappeared from the display. We started by running the DOME and we could not pick it up on the Switch and then we connected it at the back of the NVR and NVR was able to pick it up automatically and also the IP was assigned without human intervention. After some times of trying to hook up two Speed Bullet Camera to the switch even using a shorter cable inside the cabinet with no success, we took these two to Regal ( The supplier). They then reset them and hook them up to the NVR and then came up.

We tried again to hook them up to the switch we did not win and we ended up connecting them direct to the NVR they all worked fine but on the different Network (192.168.254.*)as can be seen on my attachment IP Config.

I am currently not onsite, will let you know the switch.
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OK, thanks for explaining, it's making more sense now.

How are you assigning the new IP addresses when the cameras are on the switch?

Are you using the SADP tool?

Or are you logging into your switch / router directly, and is this where the cameras are not showing up?
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Those connected to the NVR are not showing on SADP Tool can only pick them up when connecting to NVR IP Address, but I can not do anything, they are greyed out.
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Netgear Switch information

Hardware FS728TP V2H1

I want to see all Cameras on SADP tool, Connect them to the switch and be able to modify. Currently everything on the NVR is greyed out.

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So are some of the cameras that are connected to the switch not showing up in SADP?

Did the issues only start after you added the new replacement cameras that you mention here?
Bought new ones re-connected them to the Switch, Speed Bullet was picked up by the switch automatically and we assigned an IP to it ( and it ran fine for approximately 3 Days and failed.

With regards to this ...
Those connected to the NVR are not showing on SADP Tool can only pick them up when connecting to NVR IP Address, but I can not do anything, they are greyed out.

Make sure that you are pressing the play button at the bottom of the page, and that you are selecting the substreams for each camera.

Also, you may need to use Edge in IE mode for all of your cameras to show up (or use IE Tab on Chrome):

And update your NVR to this firmware - V4.40.416
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So are some of the cameras that are connected to the switch not showing up in SADP?

Answer: All Cameras connected to the switch are showing on SADP Tool. Only those connected to the NVR are not showing probably because they are on a different Subnet, 192.168.254 instead of 192.168.1. and I cant access them using URL as I am also not connected to that network9 *.254.

We want to change password for all Cameras since the customer does not have it and can't find it anywhere. All those that are on the switch are sorted.

Did the issues only start after you added the new replacement cameras that you mention here?

Answer : I would say yes even though am not sure why as 1 we replaced connected and the other connected for few day then stopped functioning.
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Are you logging into the NVR with the admin user account?
I.e. when you log in, is the username you use "admin"?

Definitely update the firmware to V4.40.416, I think this may be part of the reason most of the cameras are greyed out and cannot be edited.
You should be able to tick each channel, select "Modify", and enter the passwords and IP addresses showing for each camera in SADP.

Also, the passwords for those cameras that you connected to the NVR at some point have probably been assigned the same password as the NVR.
However, to change the other passwords, you will probably need to hard-reset the cameras using their pushbuttons or ask your supplier to supply you with XML reset files.
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Sorry, instructions for updating the firmware are here:

I've linked the correct firmware file in the download portal in my last post.
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