Needed --digest to work on the G1 camera. IP:6500x is for going via the NVR via the virtual host mode to the cameras - use IP:80? for all cameras not connected to an NVR.
Use for local sunrise and sunset times and change further to suit local conditions.
Hope this helps others.
curl --digest -X PUT -T ~/Desktop/ss.xml "http://user:password@IP:65001/ISAPI/Image/channels/1/ISPMode"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ISPMode version="2.0" xmlns="">
Use for local sunrise and sunset times and change further to suit local conditions.
Hope this helps others.
curl --digest -X PUT -T ~/Desktop/ss.xml "http://user:password@IP:65001/ISAPI/Image/channels/1/ISPMode"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ISPMode version="2.0" xmlns="">