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HikVision ivms 4200 night event monitoring woe

Cameron B

New Member
Hi all, I'm a CCTV novice so please forgive any ignorance on my part. I'd very grateful indeed if anyone could give me some tips for setting up the above system I have had installed to operate in the way that I had hoped it would. Please also forgive the length of the following explanation...

I have fairly specific requirements in that I particularly want to be able to review the events of the night every morning as we have a small farm and an on-going problem with sabotage from an illegal settlement that has sprung up in a nearby field, sabotage that isn't always evident until it is too late (loosened nuts on a tractor wheel for example). I had the above system professionally installed and have the property well covered with four bullet cameras and a PTZ camera to patrol a wider area. It all functions beautifully in daylight hours with near perfect motion detection events being logged that I can quickly review - the problems begin as soon as the IR kicks in in the evening when all the cameras seem to record events almost continuously regardless of sensitivity settings until the morning when the IR goes off. I've spent two weeks playing with settings and setting up intrusion and line crossing settings but with no improvement. The guy who installed the system said 'it is what he would expect in the countryside' but I'm not convinced as there is no discernible event evident as the trigger for the recording when I review the footage. I read the excellent tutorial by Kieran on this site and it advised against relying too much on motion detection so I set them up to record constantly through the night but, at the moment, I'm having to sit and scan through the recording at x16 speed every morning which is hopeless. The system seems sophisticated enough that I can't believe there is no way to get them working better at night in this respect - I keep the cameras clear of cobwebs and, contrary to the installer's belief, the yard isn't alive with wildlife every night so these aren't false alarms caused by foxes etc. My only guess is it is caused by the powerful IR beam thrown by the PTZ camera as it patrols triggering the other cameras? I haven't established this as I don't want to lose the patrolling ability of the PTZ as it is covering vital areas.

Sorry for the length of this post but this system cost me a fortune and it's driving me mad as I only got it for seeing who had been about at night and at the rate I'm going it would have been better if I'd just resigned myself to sitting up all night with a flask of tea and a torch.... Any help much appreciated.
Hi, I am also new to Hikvision and CCTV but if you enable the rules option via the web interface:

Configuration -> Local -> Live View Parameters -> Rules (Set to Enable)

then it will at least show you on the live view and playback view where it is detecting the motion that is triggering the record.

This will then let you fine tune your setup.
Thanks very much for the reply and the information Andrew. I'll have a go over the weekend and see if I can improve it.