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Hikvision Test email fails?


New Member
I am experiencing issues with configuring SMTP on my Hikvision NVR. Despite multiple attempts, I am unable to successfully send test emails. Below are the steps I have taken and the issues I have encountered:

Device model: DS-7204HUHI-K1
  1. SMTP Servers Tried:
    • Gmail: smtp.gmail.com
    • ISP SMTP Server: mail.ziggo.nl
    • GMX.com: mail.gmx.com
  2. Ports Tried:
    • Port 25
    • Port 465 (SSL)
    • Port 587 (TLS)
  3. Devices Used:
    • Two different laptops on the same network
  4. Actions Taken:
    • Verified SMTP server addresses, ports, and credentials multiple times
    • Updated NVR firmware to the latest version
    • Rebooted both the NVR and the modem/router multiple times
    • Configured port forwarding on my router for the relevant ports (25, 465, 587)
    • Disabled any firewall settings that could potentially block the SMTP traffic on both the router and NVR
    • Tested connectivity to the SMTP servers using Telnet and other tools, with no success
  5. Results:
    • All test emails have failed across different SMTP servers and ports.
    • Error logs on the NVR indicate failure to connect to the SMTP server, but no specific error codes are provided.
At this point, I have exhausted all troubleshooting steps I can think of, including using different SMTP servers, adjusting network settings, and ensuring that the NVR is properly configured. Despite these efforts, the issue persists.

I would greatly appreciate your assistance in diagnosing and resolving this problem.
Hi @TheWiZZzz

Email notifications have always been notoriously difficult to get working, especially on EOL NVRs and DVRs.
Whenever we ask Hikvision, they simply recommend using the Hik-Connect app and push notification sends instead.

However, things to check that might get things working for you are:
  1. Make sure that your DNS settings are correct - try Google's servers ( and

  2. Make sure that the gateway address on the NVR is set correctly.

  3. Make sure that you have set an app password for the DVR in your Gmail account and are using this, rather than your normal password, which no longer works:
    It looks like you need to set app passwords in GMX now too:
Hi Kyle,

Yes, I'm sure my Gateway is set correctly and I'm using Google's preferred DNS servers ( - OR - and setup the application specific passwords on Gmail and GMX. Still the test fails. Hence I assume it's network related.

On Canyouseeme.org it shows port 587 is closed, so is 465. Even though I've got portforwarding setup on my NVR's IP. Could that be related? Do these ports needs to be open for the NVR to use smtp? I've got this NVR now 7 years and it stopped a few months ago for some reason.
Yes, maybe, it's worth testing with those ports open briefly.

Which firmware version is the DVR running?

Test with UPnP disabled on the DVR if it isn't already.
Also, when you change any email / network settings on the DVR, reboot it, as sometimes simply clicking save doesn't apply the changes properly.

This thread might help fix the email notifications too, it looks like it varies by network, but the NVR's server port needs to be forwarded - it's worth trying all of the suggestions here anyway:
Thanks Kyle, I've disabled UPNP and rebooted my DVR ( on firmware V4.20.010 build 210908) but it makes no difference.

I've now entered the same SMTP information on the 4200 application and there the test email works!. However, the webportal and the 4200 seems to be out of sync? in the Webportal I can only check SSL while on the 4200 app it shows STARTTLS? And my events on webportal do not show on the 4200 app. Any way to get these in sync?

And what does it tell us that test mailing works from the app but not from the webportal?
Ah, well done for thinking to try in 4200 :)
I'm not sure how to sync them, but earlier NVRs have always been problematic in modern browsers, so I suspect that's why you're missing features on the webpage view and not getting emails from the web setup.
We've seen things not save properly in web browsers when they're not running in Internet Explorer mode and using the right plugins.
My advice would be to stick to 4200 for all of the settings, and try wiping / reconfiguring your event settings in there rather than a browser, which should get all of the events showing in 4200.
I had this bookmarked in case it helps:

Hope this can read, otherwise I'll start a new thread.

email notifications were working fine this morning. We then had workmen working on the house. This led to constant alerts, so I muted my phone.
They had a lunch break, so I unmuted my phone in case anyone wanted to call/text me.
Once they returned I realised I wasn't getting any email alerts from my cameras.
I initially thought my inbox must be full, but it wasn't.
I then thought maybe due to the constant triggering, alerts maybe going to junk folder, they weren't.
I then logged on to the NVR to send test emails to both the email accounts that I have for alerts, but I get "Testing Failed"

Why is this and how can I resolve it?

OK, I've solved my issue.

I was on the right track, thinking the constant email alerts were being blocked by email providers. BUT I was looking at it from the receiving end. It was the email address that I use to SEND the emails (I had reached a daily limit for sending emails).
New problem.

I use an outlook email account to send alerts FROM the NVR. I recently had an email from Outlook stating "Update your sign-in technology before September 16th, 2024 to maintain email access."

As of Midnight, I'm no longer receiving email alerts (Test fails also). It's nothing to do with my previous issue above, as I can send and receive emails between my email accounts.

Is there a solution to this? I'm guessing using another email provider, but which one?

I previously read that Hikvision usually direct you to use their App. I'd rather avoid this because when using there App our IVMS, it tends to randomly log me out and therefor I won't receive alerts.
Are you using an "app password" from Outlook?

As Kyle said above, for email services that support it you will need to generate an email "App Password" for the NVR. You need to enable some form of 2-factor authentication on your MS/Outlook account and then generate an app password there that you then enter into the NVR email settings.
See for example:
@codlord thanks for the reply.
I don't use an App for the email account that I use for sending email alerts from the NVR.
I'll check out the link you posted and hopefully get it sorted.
@codlord thanks for the reply.
I don't use an App for the email account that I use for sending email alerts from the NVR.
I'll check out the link you posted and hopefully get it sorted.
It's nothing really to do with you using a phone app for email, it's just companies seem to call these special passwords "App Passwords" I guess because you could use them in a phone app (or desktop app or in this case a "device") that needs to send email using your email account.

It's to avoid you entering your actual MS/outlook account password into a device or app which may or may not be secure and may or may not encrypt or protect the password properly. Although the app password allows sending/receiving of mail it won't allow anyone to actually login to your MS/outlook account with it. Also you can revoke app passwords at any time by logging into your account.
I've generated the email App Password and entered in the Password field in the email section of the NVR, but Test still fails.

I started looking in to generating App password for the email account that I want to receive the alerts (gmx). It's advising me to install an authentication App on my smart phone. I'd rather avoid changing more things if not necessary.

I'm just wondering if there's an email provider that doesn't have 2 factor authentication? I'd guess the email account that I want the NVR to use to send alerts won't need to be very secure as I won't be using it for anything else.
Curious why you are using email notifications? Why not just get HikConnect and be done with all these problems?
Curious why you are using email notifications? Why not just get HikConnect and be done with all these problems?
Simply down to unreliable notifications.
I'm currently using Hik-Connect and it's still as unreliable as when I used it years ago. For example my wife went to work this morning triggering line crossing and there was no alert on my phone. When I check the App, the line crossing is showing under Alerts. It seems to be about 50% of the alerts that actually trigger my phone's notification sound.

It could possibly be down to my phone/network, but I never have this issue with email alerts.