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HiTools Delivery vs Batch Configuration tool


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Batch Configuration tool gives a warning of "End of servicing" so suggests the new one HiTools Delivery

So installed this to test.

Setting(Configuration) is similar to iVMS and browsers and does not have the old style of Batch Configuration tool.

Devices are all detected but there is a problem with my Intercom devices. There is a problem with Port detection.

While both DS-KV6113WPE and Ds-KH8301WT before adding are seen Online on SDK Service port 8000 and HTTP port 80, the Network status after adding them to Project for both is different.
DS-KV6113WPE1 gives an error of "Device Adding Exception 192.xx.xx.xx is Offline. Getting device information failed" and with a blank device type, while DS-KH8301WT is Online but added with an HTTP port number of 8000 which of course is the SDK service port. None of them can be accessed on Configuration.
By changing DS-KV6113WPE1 HTTP port to 8000 instead of 80, this becomes Online and also gets a name(Type) of Intercom Device, but cannot access Configuration again.

The above problem does not exist on Batch config and iVMS4200

Does anyone else has the same issue?