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"IP Conflicted" Error - LTS model LTN8704Q-P4


I have been getting a constant "IP Conflicted" error message (and annoying beeping) with our LTS recorder, model LTN8704Q-P4.

I found this thread (DVR beeping and 'IP conflicted' Error Message After Power Cut)

And, I made the SADP changes suggested there, confirming that the static IP I'm assigning to the recorder isn't in use by any other device on our home network. But, the same error with the beeping continues. No other devices on the home network are having issues like this. I'm assuming there's something wrong with the recorder. But before I buy a new one, I wanted to ask if anyone has any additional suggestions.
Hi @dblaw

Are all the cameras you are using with this recorder directly connected to the ports on the NVR?
Can you please share a screenshot/photo of the "IP conflicted" error?
Dan, thanks for replying. Yes. All four cameras are hard wired into the ports on the NVR. I'm attaching some pics showing the error and the settings and status of the recorder (from the recorder's monitor, the SADP, and the router)


  • error.jpg
    2.8 MB · Views: 76
  • recorder set static ip.jpg
    recorder set static ip.jpg
    2.1 MB · Views: 86
  • router 142ffd151557 allocation pending (2).jpg
    router 142ffd151557 allocation pending (2).jpg
    2.8 MB · Views: 83
  • router devices (shows .25 for recorder).jpg
    router devices (shows .25 for recorder).jpg
    2.8 MB · Views: 86
  • SADP set static.jpg
    SADP set static.jpg
    2.3 MB · Views: 80
Also, when I chose the static IP ending in .25, I used a number outside of the range my router will randomly assign devices. The router has that range set to begin at .64; so, nothing should get assigned .25 without my setting something to that IP.
Thanks @dblaw

Have you tried enabling DHCP to see if the NVR will automatically assign a different IP address that doesn't conflict?

If enabling DHCP does change the IP address and the conflict error goes away, you can then disable DHCP and the NVR will be fixed at that assigned address.
Yes. I tried that too. It seems to revert to assigning the original IP address when I do that, and I get the error. Curiously though, nothing else seems to be assigned to that IP.
Thanks @dblaw

It's very strange, I'm thinking that it could be to do with your NVR being an OEM/rebadged version of a Hikvision NVR.

These OEM/rebadged NVRs use customised firmware and this can make them more prone to software glitches/errors.

Maybe try rebooting the NVR again to see if that clears the error, if not my only remaining idea would be to hard reset the NVR and set it up from scratch.
I've rebooted it a few times. I guess I'll try the hard reset. How complicated is it to set the machine back up from scratch? If you have any blogs on doing that, please share. I'm not a pro tech, but I'm mildly competent...and not afraid to try!
Reset the NVR to factory settings and then set it back up. Everything back to working...at least for now! Thanks again Dan!