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IP Prikim Camera


Hi could anyone help me set this up. Its wired to my router and I can see it on my pc when I change the settings on my IPV4 but then this makes the internet on my pc stop working except for a few sites like youtube, facebook. Sorry for being a noob. I also cant get it working from my app to view it from my phone. Thanks
Hi, It's not a brand / model I've ever heard of.
If you upload a screenshot of your settings we may be able to help.
Have you tried asking the reseller that you bought it from?


Thats my camera settings , are there other settings you need to see. Thanks
Your settings look OK.
Is your camera connected to one of the ports on your router?
When you enter the camera's IP address ( in your browser's address bar can you access the camera / login and see video OK? (Internet Explorer tends to be the recommended browser for viewing live video)
It is into a port. I cant see the camera like that but if I change my IPv4 to a use the following ip address to I can then see it but I cant use my internet on my pc then.
OK, that screenshot is telling us that your router is actually at 0.1
And your PC at 0.88

In the software tool for your camera, please edit the gateway and primary DNS addresses to be 0.1 instead of 1.1
Then tick DHCP.
Then Apply.

That should allow your router to issue an appropriate address to the camera.
You should then be able to enter that new address for the camera into your browser address bar and see live images from it.
It's just a glitch.
Please set the "IP Address" to say and try again.
Please try again with the settings I gave you, but leave DHCP unticked.
Set the camera's IP address to end 0.88 and click Apply
Did you set the camera's IP address to
Actually, in Post #18 I was asking/checking whether you did what I said at Post #16?

Set the camera's IP address to end 0.88 and click Apply

Did you set the camera's IP address to

In the last screenshot you uploaded:
Your router is set to
Your PC is at
But your camera is not in the same domain range - it is at
It will not work until it is in the same domain range as your router and PC.
So I asked you to set the camera's IP address to
(the gateway address in the camera setup tool needs to remain at

Please change the camera's IP address and click Apply.