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IR remote


New Member
is it possible to purchase and use IR remote control to operate hikvision series7200 instead of using the mouse model IDS-7208HUHI-M1/X
is it possible to purchase and use IR remote control to operate hikvision series7200 instead of using the mouse model IDS-7208HUHI-M1/X / serial number FF9822291
They stopped supplying IR remotes years ago. The remotes they used to supply were hopeless and nigh on impossible to use as they were intended for another device and the keys didn't match up (I used to just throw them in the bin rather than supply them with the NVR/DVR). Save yourself the hassle and just use a wireless mouse (Logitech M185)
They stopped supplying IR remotes years ago. The remotes they used to supply were hopeless and nigh on impossible to use as they were intended for another device and the keys didn't match up (I used to just throw them in the bin rather than supply them with the NVR/DVR). Save yourself the hassle and just use a wireless mouse (Logitech M185)
Thanks for your reply I will try wireless mouse