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Irregular Motion Detection - passing cars not always detected by my Hikvision DS-2DE2A404IW-DE3 camera


New Member

I have a DS-2DE2A404IW-DE3 (firmware updated to V5.6.15) which is used to monitor a section of lane such that traffic passes across the screen, left- right & right-left. The camera is zoomed in slightly so that the view covers 15-20m of road. The vehicles appear quite large in the view, between 1/4 to 1/3 the height of the screen.

Approximately 75% of the time, the camera 'sees' the vehicle moving across puts a green box around it and crosses a line to be detected. The other 25% of the time the vehicle is not 'seen' at all (no green box) and therefore regardless of the detection method I use it's not detected and recorded.

Is there a setting that I can adjust to make the camera more sensitive to 'see' more vehicles?
Would zooming out help?

You don't say how the camera is connected - standalone or via NVR. You can login to the cameras webpage settings and set a valid minimum and maximum object size for your target (vehicle) and also a sensitivity - which is the proportion of that target object that has to cross the line. A sensitivity of 80 would mean that just 20 percent of the object would need to cross the line, while a lower sensitivity of 40 would mean that 60 percent of the object would need to cross the line in order to cause an alarm. These settings are only available from an NVR GUI if its version 4 - for version 3 you have to access those settings directly in camera.

With regard to zooming out, it may help - especially if the entire vehicle is not in view before it crosses the line or if the line is too close to the border of the view.
Thanks for the reply. The camera is connected to my Synology NAS using their surveillance software but the detection and triggering is done by the camera. The Synology system is basically only used to store and view the video.

The problem I have is the detection of the cars, not the triggering. The length of the cars are between 15% to 30% of the screen width. If I watch them using a web browser logged into the camera using 'Live View' I can see my triggering lines and intrusion areas in blue. When a car passes most of the time the camera detects the car as indicated by a green box around it, or sometime just part of the car. If the green box passes a detection line or area, it and the line or box turns red, and the action is recorded.

The problem I have is that sometimes the camera software does not detect the car, does not put a green box around it and therefore does not trigger an event. Sometime the software will detect the car (green box added) but before triggering an event, it undetects it (green box disappears) so it doesn't trigger an event.

The issue is the inconsistency of detecting the car, not the event triggering.

Is it possible to increase the sensitivity and reliability of detecting motion?

I have three 'Line Crossing Detection' lines, all vertical, one on the left, one in the middle and one on the right. I find that if a car passes right to left, it's the left hand line that is triggered, sometimes the middle but hardly ever the right hand line. If the car passes left to right, it's vice versa. This means that most of the time the camera takes a long time (relatively) to detect motion.

If you could upload some images here that will really help us :)
The vertical lines look too short with the height of the car being larger than the line. I'd start by setting the lines taller