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Is it possible to recover overwritten footage?


New Member
Hi there,

Is it possible to recover footage after it was overwritten? Say it has a 7 day retention policy and 30 days later you need access to overwritten footage, can I recover it, or can hikvision recover it?

If something is truly 'overwritten' as in another file has been saved to the same space - then no.

If a company has a 7 day retention 'policy' - as in they state they will only keep footage available to those that request it for 7 days - but the hard drives working in the background have enough capacity to go on for weeks - it might be there.

That's unlikely though - if they had capacity for 2 months of history - they'd likely have a 2 month retention policy.

They probably use just enough storage to cover them for their 7 days and a small safety margin - but unlikely that will stretch to 30 days. It all depends on how everything is set up. None of us would know that without seeing the system, how many or how big the hard drives were and more.
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