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Is port 8000 required for email notifications?


Trusted Member
I've had my 7608 setup and running fine for about two weeks. Email notifications were working just fine, and I opened the correct ports on my router. Due to several illegal login attempts, I closed all ports except the server port on 8000. Email worked fine. Then with more illegal login attempts, I changed the server port under network settings to port 8885, and made the corresponding change in port forwarding in my router. I no longer get any email notifications, and the test button in the web interface always says "test failed."

So my question is whether port 8000 is *required* for email notifications, such that my change to port 8885 has caused this problem? Settings on the NVR and in my router are correct for 8885 at the moment, and email notifications are properly set for all 4 cameras. The reason I ask is that it is possible I may have inadvertently made some other change on the web interface that affected notifications, but I can't find any issues.

Does UPNP being on or off have any effect on my change of server port?
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As a follow up, I was able to do some more work on this today when I got home. It turns out that port 8000 is absolutely required for email notifications. Changing the server port to anything other than 8000 will result in no email alerts.

Good to know since this fact is not noted anywhere in Hikvision's instructions or anywhere else I could find.
To tighten up your security UPnP should be disabled. In testing I can change the server port on my NVR and still receive email alerts (UPnP on or off). Not sure why you are locked into port 8000 unless it's something on your router. Keep us posted.
Stewart - UPNP is off on the NVR and the cameras. Don't know what to say about 8000, though. Every time I change the server port to something other than 8000 in my NVR and router, email alerts stops. Maybe I've just managed to accidentally designate ports that won't handle the task. Other than 8000, what other ports would you suggest I try? Thanks.
Port 8000 is classified as a 'HTTP Alternative'.
8008 and 8080 are also TCP HTTP alternatives.
Give them a try. f you don't come right enable UPnP and see if it makes a difference.
Stew - changed my server port today after getting a series of rapid illegal logins. Strangely the changes worked, but only after an NVR reboot. Just saving them still did not work. Maybe something wonky in the NVR, but it now works. Thanks for the info.
Hi thanks guys I’m a new 7616 owner and was getting bot attacks ILLEGAL LOGINs. I spoke to the support team at USE-IP who referred me to this thread. I’ve actually remapped HTTP RTSP and SERVER. So far so good. I also tried to disable port forwarding because apparently if the server’s registered in HIK-Connect on both their servers and on the NVR it will avoid needing port forwarding (support’s advice). This does work (I tried it) but I find you get a 1-2 second delay versus the port forwarding.