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Limit email alerts to a specific time period, but record events 24/7


New Member
I want my system to store and record events 24/7, but i only want to be email alerted to events that occurred during a certain time period (00:00 - 06:00 for example)

Is there a way to limit email alerts to a specific time period without altering the arming schedule ?
Hi @awitty

The only way we know to do what you describe above would be to have the event emails and event recording set to different events, so it would be possible to set the record schedule to 24/7 motion record but then set the event schedule to say line crossing for a particular time period and just set it to send notifications.

As far as I am aware if you try and set the record schedule to event record 24/7 and you set a specific event to a specific time frame in the arming schedule, when you go past that time frame the event is basically disabled and it will stop recording. But I should add that we have only done limited testing of this so someone else may be able to suggest a way around this.
Ok thanks Dan, I'll experiment. I might end up scripting a bulk delete of emails between two specific times to sort.
Depending on your recorder...

If you have alarm inputs you can set input 1 as "one key disarm". This disables the linkage actions - e mail, notify surveillance centre etc. I'm not sure whether it disables the actions for basic and smart events or only the physical inputs. If it does work for the basic and smart events you'd just need a timer with a volt free output connected between input 1 and ground on the NVR, then in the local GUI (as it doesn't appear on the webpage) set the input as one key disarming.
Thanks for your ideas,

I managed to sort it by writing a google script that runs every minute and removes any emails received between 7am and 11pm. Works fine and i can still see the deleted emails in trash if i really want.

here's a link to the code if anybody should have a similar requirement.

Source Code
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