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Local NVR connected to Remote NVR, but I cannot control my PTZ camera at the remote site?


Active Member
I have the following 2 NVRs:

LOCAL - NVR - DS-7732NI-M4-24P


The remote NVR ports have been correctly forwarded.

I have added the IP address from the remote NVR to the local NVR and I can select the cameras to add. Works perfectly.

However, the remote NVR has a HIK PTZ and the problem is that I cannot control the PTZ from my local NVR, the option is greyed out. The only 3 ways I can do this is as follows:

  • Log into my remote NVR (DS-E04NI-Q14P) using its web interface and then control the PTZ from there.
  • Log in to Hikconnect and control PTZ from my phone.
  • Log into Hikconnect app with NVR set up as IP/Domain and control PTZ from Phone.
Although there are 3 options to do this, I do not wish to keep opening my PC or accessing the phone, I would much rather do it was my big screen using the local NVR.

Any help would be appreciated?
How did you add channels to remote NVR?

There could be scenario that when you add IP address of local NVR to remote NVR and check mark all the channels you want to add, it will actually look PTZ as a standard camera stream rather than PTZ, since its added over NVR to NVR.

Solution: Add camera directly to NVR N°2.
Good morning, that is not actually a solution. Since I would have to disconnect the cameras from the remote NVR and then port forward them directly connected from the remote router. That means I have lost the ability for the local remote NVR to record. Although I also record the streams on my end. So, they have to be attached via the remote NVR at which point as you correctly highlighted, they are coming over as a stream.
Camera does not needs to be connected to PoE NVR, it can be connected to PoE switch which is connected to NIC2 of NVR.
It can be added on both NVR's
On local via local ip address, on remote via external ip address + port

Sorry if this solution does not suit you. Cant really find other one besides making both locations in VPN which would be best solution imho.
Yes I could do that and purchase an additional POE switch. But would there not be a conflict on the cameras, since when teh video settings are done for the camera on both NVRS, the latest would overwite the previous NVR settings and possible othrs when setting up standards and smart events, etc.? Have you personally done this before?
Yes i have done this multiple times in the past.

But in my case Video settings that were used were pretty much the same.

Both sides used h265 , max resolution/ max frame rate , same IFrame

If you have any PoE switch hanging around somewhere, I'd suggest you try it out. I believe all should work as it does now + PTZ will be available.
You have been extremely helpful and it is much appreciated.

One final question, if I use the video settings the same on both cameras but had set up the events differently, like for example, on one camera, I had Line crossing enabled through NVR 1 and then on NRV 2, I had Motion only enabled, would the alerts for each NVR event go the designated NVR or to both. Does that make sense?
If you are using VCA by NVR then you can have multiple different VCA's for single camera.
If you are using VCA by camera then that's what you will get on both NVR's

Some NVR's support smart events VCA, some do not. But if you record motion on NVR1 from camera 1, dou dont need to record motion on NVR2 for camera1 if you are asking me that.