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MacOS Mac CCTV Software to record H.264 from the Sanyo VCC-HD4000?

Security Spy software handles JPEG, but Sanyo HD4000 camera is not yet on their approved camera list - I'm waiting for a response from them.
I have a copy of Securityspy and I see that it is used for viewing live feeds, my main question still is what software can I use on my Mac to look at movies recored on the external hard drive.
Have you used the Viewer utility that comes on the CD with the camera?
As I said before I have a MAC and so the software supplied being Windows only is not useable.

I only bought this camera because it supported H264, it is a shame that Sanyo in their wisdom decided to deviate from the H264 standard
Sorry about that, we'll try to get a solution from Sanyo.
Hi aircub,
I spoke to Sanyo about this about ten days ago, but nothing further has come through since. Will chase again now ...
I see that Securityspy has a manual setup page for unsupported cameras


Any ideas of the settings.?
Just a quick update, we've managed to link up the software gurus at Security Spy with the technical gurus for the Sanyo IP camera range in Japan.

There's an ongoing conversation that I don't understand :confused: but it's showing good signs of progress - hopefully we'll be able to report a breakthrough soon ...
Great any update.....Its such a shame that the top of the range Sanyo camera is so poorly supported.