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Mobotix IP Camera model numbers are confusing ...


Staff member
I produced this quick explanation for one customer, and he suggested that I publish it here because most people are confused by Mobotix IP Camera model numbers:

The M simply denotes the body style/shape of the camera; they also use D for dome cameras, and Q for their hemispherical cameras.

The 2 as a second digit denotes that it has one camera & lens; if there is a 1 as a second digit, then it has two cameras and lenses (yes, read that again – 2 = one and 1 = two :confused:)

The second number i.e. 22 or 24 ending in 2 or 4 denotes the processor series; all models are currently being upgraded from the 2 series to the newer 4 series processor (before this there was a 0 series a few years back).

There are then up to four variants on top of that BASIC / IT / WEB / SEC
SEC is the 3 Megapixel variant needed for security – it can also record internally to an SD card.
The other variants are stripped-down versions for webcam-type applications.

Then you have all the lens options; 11, 22, 32, 43, 65, 135, Vario, etc.
Each lens delivering a different field of view from the selected camera.
11mm is hemispheric (360° vision)

D22 means a 22mm lens fitted to the Daylight (colour) camera.
N22 means a 22mm lens fitted to the Night (monochrome) camera.

We tried to help in clarifying all the above and added all the most popular new models as individual products in our webshop in order to try to explain what the features of each was.

Hope that helps, feel free to ask for further help ...

All Mobotix cameras are supplied with CCTV recording software.

A major USP of Mobotix cameras is their ability to stand-alone, record to internal storage or Network attached Storage and not need a PC for recording. They are also highly configurable in terms of detection and action.

One final thing that's worth repeating, all Mobotix cameras need the separate purchase of a Power Over Ethernet injector.

Checkout our Mobotix shop category for the current range ...
One final thing that's worth repeating, all Mobotix cameras need the separate purchase of a Power Over Ethernet injector.


Thanks for the guide.

I just want to clarify, do you need to buy a POE injector, even if you have a POE switch?

Nope, either will do the same job of supplying power to the Mobotix camera up the data cable :)

I just thought maybe they drew loads of current, or used some odd POE version that most switches don't have :)
