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Network Connection Issues


Had a local installer fit two non ColourVu cameras (front & side) and one ColourVu to the rear of my property, with a DVR in my attic and connected to the house internet via a pair of PowerLine Adapters.

When I view the camera while on the home WiFi network I don’t seem to have many issues of loading or smooth browsing (the odd glitch but manageable), however when I try to link to view live stream via my mobile network both 4G and 5G or on a different WiFi network it’s very hard to load and playback is start stop. I also get a lot of Connection Failed, Reconnecting messages on the camera feed on my app.

I am using a brand new iPhone 13 Pro Max 256GB device with the HIK-Connect app, my home broadband is 527mbps download speed to the BT Smart Hub and when I ran a speed test in the attic on my laptop while plugged into the PowerLine Adapters I achieve 23mbps download speed and 13mbps upload speed.

Installer did call back and tried resetting the PowerLine Adapters, but no improvement. The PowerLine Adapters are connected to port one of my BT Hub, and all ports are a 1gbps port on my Hub. I’ve had BT review everything and they don’t see any issues.

What else can I try here? Do I need to review replacing the DVR, do I need to review having a hard line direct from the BT Hub Router to the attic for the DVR installed?

I had a Lorex system in my last house at half the price of HIK Vision, and to be honest it was a far easier, quicker and smoother system to use. Do I need to review removing HIK Vision for another brand system?

Sorry if this is posted in wrong thread. New to the site.

Thanks in advance for support!
Hikvision PTZ cameras
How are you connecting to your system on your phone via the app? Are you using direct IP/Domain connection or Hik-Connect Domain/HikVision service?

What mobile network is your iPhone on?
This sounds like this issue I raised here a while back (and that thread links to another with more info).

I had a user upgrade to an iPhone 13 on 02 and they could no longer reliably view streams on the app when on mobile data (3G/4G/5G). It wasn't 100% consistent though, for example, sometimes in some areas they could view streams on 3G but not 4G. So it was pretty awkward to diagnose. I still think the issue is down to the 02 network purposely blocking CCTV streaming, as the common element seems to be users on 02 network in the UK. Although newer iPhones (13 in ours and your case) seems to be a factor too.

I use an android phone on GiffGaff (which actually uses the 02 network) and have never had this issue.

The only workarounds I found was to change our NVR ports from 8000 to something else. Or (if the router supports it) port-forward a different port to your NVR port 8000. When using the direct-ip connection method either way seemed to solve the problem. But I don't know if changing the NVR port would work if you are using the Hik-Connect method.

However, you do say you have the problem "on a different WiFi network". Are you sure? This was not our experience. We only had issues on the 02 iPhone 13 when on mobile data networks. When on local or other WiFi networks we never had a problem.
I had the camera installed mid Mar this year and at that time was using an iPhone 11 Pro, which i only upgraded to the iPhone 13 Pro Max around 3 weeks ago. Although both my iPhone 11 Pro and 13 Pro Max experienced the exact same issues.

I have commercial broadband in my office, and although yes its better than 4G or 5G in my area its still not as good as my home WiFi.

I am wondering would it be better to have a fixed line installed from the router on the ground floor straight up into the attic to the DVR? Rather than using the Powerline Adapters, my speed on my laptop at the hub wired is 527mbps last night, whereas at the adapter in the attic its only 23mbps. Or to your point, it is nothing to do with speed in my home set up and 23-30mbps is suffice for the CCTV to function fine?

How do I do the Direct IP set up if I was to scrap the HIK-Connect set up? I am guessing there is pros and cons to using or not using HIK-Connect app?
If it is the same problem we had it's got nothing to do with your internal infrastructure. But I guess it may not be that issue...

If you know someone with a phone on a different network which you can you can temporarily install & configure the app on you could determine if it is the "02" problem or not.

Direct IP setup requires a static IP address and means opening up/forwarding (e.g. port 8000) on your router using port forwarding or NAT config. Of course if you do that then the entire world can now see your NVR (although of course they need a password). So really to it safely you want so configure some sort of VPN on devices so only authorised users/devices have access. If the port is open and unrestricted you WILL eventually see unouthorised admin password attempts from hackers around the world. Changing to use a non-default port will help in reducing these hacking attempts but won't actually make you any more secure.
Well my work phone is a slightly older iPhone XR and is on EE network. I will try the app on this handset and feed back. Thanks
Ok - Early days, but initially I believe I can see a large difference on EE 4G v's o2 4G when live feeds loading. If this is the case and o2 is the issue, how did you overcome? change networks? I can't see o2 doing anything special for me lol
Like I said, with direct-IP the solution for us was to either change the default NVR port (from 8000) or forward a different port to the NVR port 8000.

Before that I did ask our telecoms supplier to ask 02 to remove any/all restrictions on the acccount as I thought maybe their adult filter or something was a factor but that did not solve anything.

When looking at various forums including 02 forums I saw several people with the same issues but of course no solution/admission from 02. They are not blocking port 8000 entirely as the hik app can see and connect to the NVRs etc I just think they are blocking some network traffic on port 8000. Perhaps they can detect RTSP streaming packets so they block any of those packets on port 8000.
Ok, so I am going to try reaching out to o2 first - doubtful anything will come from it, but need to try as the other option seems quite complex and rather over my head so will need support from someone with good IT knowledge.
You could try changing the default NVR port 8000 to something else (e.g. 8001). If Hik-Connect/app and everything works then all good, if not then if you have made the change locally on the NVR itself you can just change it back if things don't work. e.g. don't make the change remotely in case of problems

Not sure where it is in NVR config off the top of my head but I am sure you can search here or online to find out.
Just been told that apparently as I am a BT Domestic/Private customer I cant do a static IP which is required to do a change of port number, unless I ask for a BT Business line to be installed...
Static IP is required for direct-IP connection but you could still try changing the NVR port number and see if Hik app still works and if it does then see if it solves the "O2" problem.