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NVR Device Error


Active Member
I'm trying to setup my DS-7604NI-E1/4P/A NAS for ANPR with my DS-2CD4A25FWD-IZS camera.

As the image is quite dark, I logged in to the camera configuration and went to change the exposure time under 'Advanced Configuration > Image' but when changing the setting, I get a 'Device Error' message as can be seen in the bottom right of the image below:


As it turns out, I get this error no matter which settings are changed - all of the settings produce this error!!

Can anyone tell me why I am unable to change the settings please?
Hi @Cos,

Are you running the latest firmware for the NVR (V3.4.101) and the correct ANPR firmware for the camera? Checking firmware is completely up to date is always the first step in these scenarios.

It is strange that the settings seem to be blocked from being changed entirely. Do you have the same problems when trying to change the settings locally through a monitor connected to the NVR?

Also, ANPR cameras aren't intended to be used for general viewing, and just for recognising number plates. The default exposure settings are in place to optimise this function and we tend to recommend that you don't alter them. This is why the image will be appearing as dark.
Hi Kyle,

I actually wasn't aware there was any firmware upgrades for the camera until you pointed this out... I tried clicking the update on the image below:

but it told me there was no update available. I did see the firmware on the web but was dubious as to whether this was compatible since it told me there was no update available.

This has been an absolute pain in the backside to setup!! I've not had one recognition at all.

In any case, I think I'm going to have to knock this one on the head as it sounds like it will be no use to me at all. The reason I have this is that my vehicles keep getting damaged so I wanted to read the number plates and record the damage being done. Since the image is too dark and I cannot change this, then I'll get either the number plate and no recording or if I disable the ANPR then i'll get the recording and no number plate (which is what I was doing before trying unsuccessfully to setup ANPR).

Is there any advantage to upgrading the NVR firmware?
The update button in your picture rarely works, I've linked the latest firmware downloads in my last post, just click the blue text. The firmwares linked here are definitely compatible with your devices. This article walks you through how to update the firmware :)

The ANPR function of the camera requires entirely different firmware to work (which I've linked), I'm not sure if you're running ANPR firmware on the camera but I'm guessing not, as you've been using it for general viewing/recording previously. And its always worth updating firmware on absolutely everything as it keeps the devices secure and eliminates any bugs found in the previous firmware. We often find the strangest problems are solved just by updating firmware, which is why its always the first thing we suggest!