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Problems with new bullet camera - slowly getting there but would love some advice?



We have set up a new system shiny and waiting to be used, but not quite sure how to finish it all off - installer is pretty old school, so didn't realise there had been changes to security/password requirements etc. Meaning we're in a bit of a pickle...

NVR is on V3.4.6 (according to SADP)
Three dome cameras DS-2CD214... are on 5.3.8
New bullet camera DS-2CD3T45 is apparently newer?
All plugged in to the POE ports on the NVR as we are out of router points (plus I did try putting the bullet in to a slot on the router and it didn't power up...)

Set up the whole thing with a weak password. Dome cameras didn't mind. Bullet camera wouldn't connect, on the cameras screen it said 'weak password' and the little yellow triangle alarm icon.

Reset NVR password with strong password. Dome cameras didn't mind, even after an NVR reboot. So I try plug and play with the bullet. Nope. Try manual add using the new strong password. Bullet camera is detected, says 'connecting' and 'strong password' but still fails to connect and that infuriating little yellow triangle pops back up.

I turn on the password visibility check box and can see that apparently their password hasn't changed - the bullet camera has the new one next to it, the bullets have the old.

A little confused, because I don't THINK I activated the bullet camera while I had a weak password, but it's acting like it doesn't want to know me.

What do I do?

Upgrade the NVR firmware? (which I have NO idea how to do, but these forums have been brilliant)
Reset the bullet camera? (which I also have no clue on as there doesn't seem to be a neat little reset button like all the other models I can find online... and no user manual to be found so far?)

Aaaaargh at my wit's end, usually this kind of troubleshooting is fun but I'm so far out of my depth on hikvision and its NVR software etc.

Can some kind soul help? Will happily send you a pack of Australian Tim Tams if it helps?