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Replacing cable on HD IP bird box camera


Well-Known Member
My bird box camera stopped working earlier in the year and I discovered that the guy who had put it up didn't waterproof the connector properly. The water obviously got into the plug. Does anyone know if I can get a spare Cable for this particular HD IP camera?

HD IP Bird Box Camera
Hi @Ironside

Which cable is it that you need to replace - the black one in the image below?
If so, is it fixed into the back of the camera?
I suspect you'll need to contact the supplier directly, as these types of cable aren't usually sold individually.
Yeah, I did contact the company but they were really not very helpful. So I have given up any hope of getting it fixed and consigned the camera to the bin
Hi @Ironside

Which cable is it that you need to replace - the black one in the image below?
If so, is it fixed into the back of the camera?
I suspect you'll need to contact the supplier directly, as these types of cable aren't usually sold individually.
View attachment 4649
Hi Sorry to jump into a possible closed thread, but I have the exact same problem. My camera is less than a month old and water got into the large connector shown on the image of the cable above and as a consequence the RJ45 and the small circuit board inside that black connector has burnt-out meaning i can't get power to the camera. I emailed the company and they said pretty much the same - "wouldn't recommend trying to fix, but you can buy just the camera for £84. I have little knowledge about this but was wondering would it be possible to put a cat 5e cable directly into the back of the camera and bypass the black cable as shown?
A friend of mine got all the parts necessary to enable power the camera, but it doesn't work. So unfortunately I can't really offer you any advice that will help. I think you may have to buy another camera. If you are planning on filming the birds nesting this year then I wouldn't hang around if I was you. You may find that the cameras become difficult to get hold of like they were last year.

Live video from Brixham Blue Tits Live Streaming Nesting Box camera
Sadly, I came to the same conclusion and ordered another camera this morning - it's on its way! Rather hoping that in time I might be able to get it fixed. My own stupid fault but hey ho you live and learn. Thanks for responding, much appreciated.
Yeah, it's easy not to waterproof connector properly. One problem I have found with a couple of new bird box cameras I just got in the last couple of months is they started supplying a slightly different type of cable. If you watch the video that green feathers produce on how to install the HD IP camera then you will see that all the connectors slide over the plug on the cable beautifully. However, that is not the case now with the cable that they supply. The plug is too big to fit comfortably through the connector. I challenged them about this and they just told me to force the connector over the end of the cable. Yeah, really helpful.
Oh dear. I've just ordered my new IP camera from them too! I'll let you know how I get on when it arrives.
If you can't get the connectors over the end of the cable then just use a load of insulation tape or amalgamating tape. On one of my boxes I have actually got the connector inside the box. So there is no way any water can get into the connector. But I made sure I put tape around the light so doesn't disturb the bird at night when it was dark