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Router firmware updates are vital


Staff member
Your router is both your gateway to the internet AND the gatekeeper of the security of your Local Area Network and all your connected devices.
It's vital that you keep its firmware up to date.

Some ISPs who provide routers do this automatically for you - I know that Virgin do.

Some manufacturers provide an automatic service to keep their routers 'patched' with the latest firmware and always updated as soon as possible against the latest vulnerabilities as they are discovered.

There's a current threat which can potentially affect you if you are using one of a wide range of routers, from several manufacturers:


VPNFilter router malware is a lot worse than everyone thought
More affected devices. More damage. And what looks like an escalation in attacks

Please follow this link for further details:
VPNFilter router malware is a lot worse than everyone thought

And, regardless of whether your router is listed, please take a moment to check that you are running the latest firmware on your router.